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I have to put space between us before I say something that I’m going to regret.

“I’m going to shower. You two can figure it the fuck out.”



Two Days Later

Shockingly, the men have not come to blows.

I honestly kept expecting one will take a swing at the other. A lot of the time their meetings are held while I’m on my work rotation, but so far, they seem to be playing as nice as two men with such strong personalities can possibly be with one another.

Naturally, Alexei keeps trying to exclude me. From everything. Worse still, I think that Luca is starting to get on board with him. It’s like the closer that he and I get… the more he wants to be overprotective like Alexei.

At least the plan is in place. I’ve done my part, gotten everything that I can ready for tomorrow morning.

Software shifted and cameras tracked. My program can run with the click of a button. Luca and Alexei have put into motion what they need. We’ve gone over and over the details. I don’t think that I can ever bereadyfor something like this, but at least nothing is really being left to chance that doesn’thaveto be.

“We have to talk.” Luca says to me suddenly. He’s only just finished cleaning up after dinner. Something he insists upon doing every time that we share a meal together. I’m sitting on the counter, my legs crossed underneath me as we had been talking about nothing. Luca’s hands pass over my bare legs every time he walks near me, he’s constantly touching me. I shouldn’t be getting used to it, but I am.

“Does the prisoner have speaking privileges again? I don’t remember granting you them.” I tease, smiling softly at him. Anxiety has been growing in my gut for the last few hours because I know that tomorrow morning is when everything starts. Luca and I have been isolated in this apartment per my brother’s request, and because of the great and constant sex, I’ve allowed it. But I still don’t care for the way Luca’s suddenly avoiding my eye contact.

“You’re not going tomorrow.”

The world slips out from under my feet. I can’t have heard him right. “What?”

“The plan tomorrow, you’ve been removed from it. Whether you like it or not, you’re staying here.” Luca admits firmly, finally meeting my gaze.

I feel like ice water has been dumped over my head. I laugh humorlessly, flinching away from his contact as he attempts to place a hand on my bare knee. “You’re joking.”

He holds my gaze, traps me with the intensity of it but he doesn’t break. He’s serious.

“You bastard.” I seethe. “You absolute fucking bastard.” I hurl my drink at him - the cup collides with his chest and splatters over him, staining the fabric and hitting him broadside on the face as he heaves like he expected my fit. “So, you what? You conspired with my brother to use me? To get what you needed and then just cut me out? Are you kidding me? Don’t I deserve revenge too?!”

“Calm down.”

Wrong move.

My lip curls. I am fury incarnate as I hop down off of the counter and pull the knife from dinner in front of me. “Come closer and I swear that I will end you. It wasmymother that your father hadbutchered.She’s not even part of this life! What happened to ‘oh, she’s capable’ and that I can stand on my own two feet?! Was that all just bullshit? More lies to get what you want out of me?”

“Katya, that is not-”

“Get out. I don’t want to fucking see you again. You are not cutting me out of this. There isnothingthat you can do to stop me.”

“I will tie you to that damned bed if I have to.” He warns in a low voice. There’s nothing kind about his expression. Nothing that says he’s going to bend or budge and if he thinks that he’s going to win here, he’s wrong.

“Try it. I dare you.” I breathe in a lethally calm voice. I dare him to try to put a single hand on me.

“Put the knife down.”

Uh-oh, no more Mr. Nice guy I see. I’m not going to be afraid of him.

“Make me.” I breathe.

Luca makes a play for the knife and I prove that I’m a woman of my word. The sharp blade of the knife passes over Luca’s arm. Not deep enough to do any real damage but enough that it’s going to sting like hell. “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. Whether you help me or not, I’m going to get my revenge for my mother. Whether you think you can give mepermissionor not, this is happening. If you think that software is going to work without me, you’re wrong.”

He lunges, but I’m not going to let him win this time.
