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He can yell at me all he likes for it when I show up at his place in New York City.



‘Russia target eliminated. Standby for confirmation for Spain target.’

“Well, would you look at that?” I chuckle bitterly to myself as I dab the corners of my mouth with my napkin.

What started out as a nice lunch with my most trusted right-hand man, Dario, was turning into something truly lovely. Paired with the stunning weather outside, good wine and now this?

Yes, it was setting me up for a damned good day.

“Luca?” Dario questions as he sips on his expresso.

“Looks like my father got busy again. Making even more plans without bothering to loop me in on things. How well do you think that is going to work out for me the next time I have to meet with him?” I ease back into my chair and let the cloth napkin rest on the table in front of me.

I close my eyes and inhale slowly through my nose to remain as calm as possible.

It’s not the first time that my father has done something like this.

This damned war he’s gotten our family involved in is a constant struggle.

Logic rarely matters when Enzo has the lead. He gets a hair up his ass about something or another and runs with it. In truth, he would rather prefer not to have to tell his son anything if he didn’t have to. I’ve always been the black stain that he can’t seem to rid himself of. But, as his only heir - he’s stuck with me. He certainly doesn’t care to run his choices through his son before acting on them.

Even if those choices are completely against Cosa Nostra’s moral code.

Something else that he tends to forget in his cursed wars.

My phone vibrates with the alert of another text message that I pick up before I can think better of it.

‘Update received - Spain target en route to NYC. ETA 4:37pm’

The updates are coming to me and not my father for a reason.

It means that he has folded me in and made me responsible for these tasks and hasn’t bothered to tell me.


Some days I swear that he wants for me to fail.

I’ve done everything that has ever been required of me, and yet it never seems to be good enough.

And now, he’s put me in charge of this task when apparently only one of the two targets that he wanted killed were actually properly taken care of. Which means that I’m going to have to give my father a bad report.

“Everything all right?” Dario asks, already packing up his belongings from the table and signaling for the bill. Most people mistake Dario for my older brother based on our looks. Not dissimilar in features despite the fact that I stand a couple of inches taller than him. He doesn’t have quite as many tattoos as I do, but we are matched scar for scar. Guess it comes with the territory. He’s got seven years of age on me, but you wouldn’t know it to speak to him. It’s not something that has ever gotten in the way of our working relationship.

“No. We will have to reschedule our meeting, Dario. Looks like my father needs to speak with me.” I answer as I tuck my phone down into my pocket and take the car keys from the table.

I don’t bother to wait for Dario, he will manage on his own.

Every second that passes between my getting those texts and not showing up in my father’s office will be counted against me, and Dario is my closest and most trusted man – so he understands.

There is very little that he would ever blame me for.

My black range rover zips through the city that I’ve called home long enough to know it like the back of my hand.

It takes almost no time whatsoever before I’m pulling into the parking garage of my father’s skyscraper.
