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Katya growls in displeasure as she sullenly stomps after me.

“Yeah, yeah. You can shoot us both later if it goes wrong.” I tell her as we load up into the car.

I slide into the passenger seat as Katya and her brother slide into the back seat. They do not so much as look at one another, let alone speak so I take it upon myself to break the silence.

“My father loves a dramatic entrance. The element of surprise is his favorite.” I pause to glance at them in the mirror. Neither one of them returns my gaze but they are both paying attention. “If he can get the drop on you, then he will. You have to be hyper vigilant at all times. Whatever you think is the least likely option, that’s what he’ll choose. It’s exhausting to always think three steps ahead but you have to.”

“Jesus.” Alexei mutters.

I’m not sure how to take that comment.

“I have a feeling that neurotic doesn’t even begin to cover what he’s like in private.” Alexei muttered again. I’m sure he’s trying to make light of the subject but my mind flashes back to the man, to the many times in my childhood that he used to hide behind corners with knives. He would jump out to test my reflexes and if I got cut, he would say that it served me right.

Enzo was always obsessed with attempting to make me stronger.

I was not allowed to fail at anything. Not ever.

It took many, many years for me to understand that it wasn’t normal. The sense of ingrained perfectionism was harder to shake as an adult than I care to admit.

“Marci’s safety is the only thing that matters to me.” Katya says as she finally lifts her eyes to me. “I don’t want to play his games. I just want my friend back.”

She brings her knees up to her chest, ignoring her brother and the way that he’s cleaning his gun beside her.

“I just don’t understand why they went after her in the first place.” Katya asks as she rests her chin on her knee. “Why her?”

Guilt tightens its grip on my throat. I have to tell her what I know. She might not ever forgive me for this. I tear my eyes from her reflection in the vizor and stare out the front window. I can’t even see the lines on the road. I’m staring at nothing and everything all at once. “He saw the pair of you together. Intelligence was provided that you might be romantically involved with Marci.”

The weight of my confession doesn’t seem to settle at first. “So, it is a personal attack? He’s trying to lure me out.”

“It is very unlikely that she will remain unharmed if you do not show up.” I answer. My father doesn’t like to be kept waiting any more than he likes when he doesn’t get his way.

“Wait,” Katya pauses. She unfolds her legs and leans as far forward as her seatbelt will allow. “Intel? As in, the intelyouprovided him?! Is that why you were asking about her?!”

I don’t answer. There’s nothing to say.

While it’s possible that my father would have figured out the same information that I did in time, there was no guaranteeing it. As far as he knows, she was traveling with our man and then ran home to her girlfriend as soon as possible. That same woman who was the only one spotted with her since her arrival back in the States. It was not as if Marci was even showing yet. But I was the one who provided the initial tip of information. I accept my blame. Even if it means that I will lose Katya. I know that if anything happens to Marci, she will be gone forever. I will happily accept any retribution that she deems necessary.

Katya undoes her seatbelt and lunges at me.

Long, manicured fingernails rake down the side of my face painfully enough that I have to move out of her striking range. I savor the pain. I deserve it.

“This is your fault?!” Katya pushes forward and Dario almost swerves the car to hurl her back into her seat. Alexei grabs her around the middle but her rage and fear has no other outlet. It only has one place to go. It’s the least that I can do.

“Stop!” Alexei says in a stern, commanding voice.

If Katya heard her brother’s command, she takes no note of it whatsoever. Something feral has replaced the woman that I have come to care for so strongly in such a short time.

“This will not help!” Alexei grunts as she elbows her brother in the gut to try to get herself loose. “This is what Enzo wants! He wants to make you irrational and impulsive! He’s banking onyou to do something stupid here, Katya. Youcannotallow him to win in this way!”

A single tear rolls down her face as she struggles, but her movements appear weaker.

I’m tempted to tell Alexei to let her go. If this is what she needs, I can endure anything that she can possibly throw at me.

Alexei continues “We need him! He is our best chance of saving your friend!”

That comment does it.

Katya freezes. Her chest heaves as she tries to process too many things all at once but finally settles back into the seat beside her brother. She’s glaring daggers at the back of my head. A sentiment that Dario, seems to echo. He’s not been very subtle about his own fondness for Marci either.
