Page 30 of Court of Beasts

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“No, not really. The voodoo queen is of old magic, so she can. Necromancers could for sure, but there aren’t any left. They were hunted into extinction by your kind and even their own—witches,” I tell him.

“Witches couldn’t do it then?” He frowns.

“No, it requires a certain type of magic to reanimate a corpse” I tilt my head. “Look for a human sacrifice site at local graves—blood and organs, that type of thing.” I shrug.

“Why?” he asks, leaning forward.

“Because if there has been a summoning, it will be there, and it’s for dark magic.” I watch him, not smiling anymore. I don’t know why I told him that. I might not like dark magic or witches, but I shouldn’t betray them to hunters.

We aren’t the same kind, but we are on the same side.

“Thank you,” he tells me. “We’ll do that.”

Nodding, I lapse into silence, staring at him like he’s staring at me—two enemies, locked together through our actions, unsure what to do. I saved him, but he owes me nothing, so he can still kill me.

“You know, you look at my brother like you know him,” he comments quietly, surprising me.

I say nothing, waiting to see where he is going with this.

“But you are a wolf, so it’s not like you would just meet. You know him, though, I see it. You weren’t sure at first, but today, something changed in your gaze.” Fuck, he’s good, really good. “How do you know him?”

I say nothing, and he leans forward.

“Was it you?” I blink, unsure what he’s getting at. “Years ago in the forest, the wolf he saved.”

I blink hard, unsure what to say, my whole body going cold.

How does he know?

The eyes were the same. Is it really the same boy who saved me?

Vale . . . No, it can’t be. He was so kind, and he saved me that night from the hunters. He said he didn’t want to be like them. Did he mean the hunters? Yet here he is. How could that kind boy who saved a strange wolf girl turn into such a hateful man?

“I saw it all, you know. I saw my little brother save a little girl who was a wolf.” I swallow. He could be bluffing. “It was the thirteenth of the month. There was a swing set and slide outside. I know because I was jealous. The house was wooden and large, with a mat that read ‘ignore the guard dog’ with a picture of a wolf. The girl was wearing a pale pink nightie with wolves on it.”

My heart stutters as he speaks. Every detail is right.

He was there. Lucien was there, which means he’s not lying.

Vale was the boy who saved my life. Does he remember? Does he care?

He carries on since I don’t reply. “If the others knew, they would kill him for what he did that night. He betrayed not only our people, but our father for you. Even Jai would kill him. Please don’t be the reason my brother dies. He saved you that night, so you owe him. Please, Quinn, I am begging you. I don’t know how this will end, but I beg of you. Do not kill my brother, repay the debt you owe.”

Breathing in deeply, I meet his raw eyes and see his worry. How long has Lucien held onto this secret to protect his brother?

Probably as long as I’ve kept it from everyone, including Jang and Marie.

I never told them who saved me that night. I simply told them I managed to escape while the hunters’ focus was oneveryone else. They believed me, never questioning it, more bothered with their own anger and grief.

“I have no reason to spill that secret. It does nothing for me either,” I admit slowly. “But you and I are enemies. Vale and I are enemies. He will try to kill me. You all will. That’s the only way this ends. I won’t tell anyone that secret out of honour for what he did that night, but I will kill him when the time comes. No matter what he did. He made a choice that night, and I am making one now. If it comes down to me or him, I will choose myself.”

“I can understand that. We are enemies after all,” he murmurs. “That night . . . there were others in the house. Who were they to you?”

My breath freezes in my chest as I stare into his eyes. “Your father . . . he was the hunter?”

He frowns. “He led them.”

I swallow again before smiling bitterly. “Then I owe you nothing. Your father killed my parents.” He jerks, his eyes widening. “He killed my pregnant mother, my alpha father, and he murdered my little sister who was barely a year old.”
