Page 15 of His to Wed

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“No, Alessandro.”

“Hmm. Do you know anything about pleasing a man, Emilia?”

The blush in her cheeks deepens, and she shakes her head. If enjoying her discomfort as much as I am right now makes me an asshole, so be it, but I want to shatter the barrier she’s put between us so thoroughly it can never be rebuilt.

“No?” I find it hard to believe she’s that naïve. “You never talked about it with your friends?”

“No, Alessandro.”

“You never saw people fucking in a movie or read a steamy book?”

She delivers the same stock answer. “No, Alessandro.”

Her submissive tone is pissing me off. It’s so fake. She wasn’t like this before we had breakfast this morning. The Emilia I dragged onto the plane would have told me to stop asking questions she clearly doesn’t want to answer.

“So, if I asked you to suck my cock, you wouldn’t know how?”

Emilia’s jaw clenches, and she glances at the back of Tomaso’s head. Her cheeks are crimson now. I swear there’s steam coming out of her ears as she tries to maintain her composure.

“No, Alessandro.”

“Well, luckily for you, I can teach you all you need to know.”

“Now?” she squeaks as I move closer to her.

“Why not? We’ve got a bit of a drive ahead of us and I sense we’re not going to occupy ourselves with sparkling conversation.”

Anger flashes in her beautiful brown eyes, but she remains impressively calm.

“Whatever you wish, Alessandro.”

I can’t help but smile at her reply. Does she know what she just did?

“Very well, Emilia, but remember, you wrote me a blank check.”

Her mouth falls open as I lean forward to press a button, raising the privacy screen between us and Tomaso. She digs her fingers into the leather seat beneath her but shows no other reaction as I put my hands on her shoulders and draw her forward so I can reach her zipper. I lower it enough to allow me to pull the top down, uncovering her breasts. Her safety belt nestles between them, holding her in place.

Emilia shivers, but it’s not because of the cool air wafting over her. She’s nervous about what I’ll do next.

“These are mine.” I cup her right breast with my palm.

“Yes, Alessandro.”

“Every part of you is mine.”

“Of course, Alessandro.”

She’s still giving me those wooden responses. What will it take to finally shake her out of it? I squeeze her breast, but get nothing, other than a slight widening of her eyes. She’s showing more willpower than she did in the bedroom earlier. It’s admirable but I can’t allow it to continue.

Sliding off the seat, I drop to the floor and position myself at her feet.

“What are you…?” Her voice trails off. “I thought…”

“There are many ways to please me, Emilia. Surrendering yourself to me is one of them.”


“Yes, my sweet little wife. I want you to surrender to me.”
