Page 19 of His to Wed

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“I’ve been trying to antagonize you. It pissed me off when you demanded obedience and I wanted to teach you a lesson.”

Alessandro cocks his head to the side. “Is that so?”

The amusement in his voice tells me he knew what I was up to all along. He walks around the island and stands in front of me. He reaches out and cups my cheek with his hand. It’s a tender gesture. Unable to help myself, I lean into his touch.

“What should I do with a wife who admits to being so naughty?” Alessandro’s voice is so seductively growly it sets off a flickering between my legs. This is heading toward him spanking me again. I shouldn’t want that, but I do.

“You must do whatever you think is right, Alessandro.”

The wicked grin that curves his lips tells me he’s formed a plan. He leans forward to whisper in my ear.


Startled by that command, I take a step back. “What?”

“I want to chase you, little bunny, and when I catch you, I’m going to spank your ass, then fuck you senseless.”

My heart rate kicks up a notch. I look up to meet Alessandro’s gaze. His eyes are dark with desire. He told me to run, but myfeet are frozen to the spot. Though I understand the point of the game is to heighten his arousal and mine, I’m hesitant. I have no experience of playing with a man and certainly not one like Alessandro.

“Tell you what,” he says when I don’t move, “I’ll give you a head start. Ten… nine…”

As he gets to eight, I kick off my mid-heeled court shoes, gather up my skirts, and run, heading out of the kitchen and along the corridor. Behind me, I hear him speeding up the count so he gets to one before I’ve made it twenty feet. Looking back over my shoulder, I see his pace is unhurried as he comes for me. He’s entirely confident of his ability to catch me. Why shouldn’t he be? He’s bigger and stronger than I am and he knows the layout of the house. He has every advantage.

As I reach the bottom of the grand wooden staircase at the front entrance, I have a split second to decide where to go. If I head upstairs, Alessandro will be on me before I reach the top. He’ll carry me off to the bedroom and make me his. Am I ready for that? I’m not sure I am. Making my decision, I fling open the front door and run out into the driveway.

“Emilia!” Alessandro shouts as I sprint across the front lawn, enjoying the feel of the grass beneath my bare feet. “Get back here.”

He doesn’t sound like he’s playing now. By coming outside, I’ve messed up. Ahead of me, there’s a high wall. I remember the huge metal gates that opened to let us drive onto the property. The security measures here are pretty full on. Perhaps I’m not safe out here. I come to a stop, intending to go back inside, just as Alessandro reaches me. Grabbing my shoulders, he whirls me around.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Merda. He’s furious. Before I can utter an apology, he takes my arm and pulls me back toward the house. I stumble as I try to keep up with his long strides.

“Alessandro, please slow down.”

His response is to sweep me up and drop me over his shoulder. It happens so fast I shriek in surprise.

“Quiet!” Alessandro commands.

I don’t utter a sound as he carries me back into the house. Anger vibrates through him. I really have messed up.

Expecting him to head upstairs, I’m surprised when he walks along the corridor and takes me into the living room. He deposits me on my feet.

“Turn around and bend over. Grab the back of the sofa.”

He barks out the instruction in a tone that’s impossible to defy. I do as he said, placing my palms on the back of the cream leather sofa. This is a lovely room. It’s large and airy, with pale blue walls and curtains. I focus on the décor to try to ground myself. It doesn’t work. Fear spikes in my veins as Alessandro flips my skirts up around my waist and rips my panties from my trembling body. I’ve been naked in front of him before, but being bared like this while he stands behind me, bristling with rage, is terrifying.

“Don’t ever leave the house alone!” Alessandro snarls. “It isn’t safe.”

His palm crashes down hard on my bottom. The crack of his hand on my flesh is startlingly loud. I let out a surprised yelp.There isn’t time to ponder how I feel about it before he smacks me again. A harsh breath hisses out of me. Already this hurts far more than it did when he took me over his knee. He is not messing about here.

He spanks me again, hitting a spot on the left side of my butt. My breath hitches as warmth fans out from the point of impact. It spreads through me, seeping into my intimate flesh to make my clit throb. I wriggle my hips reflexively as I try to cope with the unexpected sensation.

“Stop moving!” Alessandro commands.

Giving me no opportunity to show I can obey, he places a hand at the small of my back, pressing me against the sofa. The firm way he handles me does funny things to my insides. I like him taking charge.

As he begins to spank me in earnest, I dig my fingers into the leather sofa. Blow after blow rains down on my ass, each delivering a harsher sting than the last. I struggle to keep my breathing steady. The ache in my bottom intensifies to where I can barely hold in tears. Surely my bottom must be black and blue by now? What Alessandro did to me back in Italy was mild in comparison with this.
