Page 27 of His to Wed

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He pulls his hand away. “Shame you’ll have to wait.”


Grinning wickedly, he steps back. “No touching yourself. From now on, your orgasms belong to me.”

“Stronzo!” I mutter under my breath as he closes the curtain. How am I supposed to go out there and enjoy a massage nowthat he’s got me all worked up? Trying to ignore the fluttering between my legs, I quickly undress. Since they’re the only clothes I’ve got, I carefully drape my jeans and shirt over the back of the small wooden chair.

I put on the robe provided for me and step out into the room. I clamber up onto the table. Sitting at the center, I shrug off the robe and pull the thin cotton sheet up to cover myself. Alessandro steps out of his changing cubicle, looking incredible in a pair of tight black shorts. To my irritation, he makes no move to cover himself when someone knocks at the door.

“Come in,” he calls out.

Two women in the same uniform Sylvie wore come into the room. Both are young and attractive blondes. I can’t prevent a twinge of annoyance at the way they eye my husband.

“Mr. Volante.” The taller of the two women steps forward and offers him her hand. “I am Yelena. I will be your masseuse.”

“Excellent.” Alessandro takes her hand and raises it to his lips. “Just tell me where you want me.”

I don’t hear what she tells him because the blood thundering through my veins deafens me. What sort of asshole flirts with a woman in front of the woman he married less than a day ago? The type who’s trying to get a rise out of me, I realize, as he flashes me a wink.

“I’m Simone,” my masseuse introduces herself. “Please, lie on your front for me.”

I do as she asked, placing my head in the cradle and looking down at the floor. A minute passes before her oiled hands rub my shoulders in a soothing gesture.

“How is that pressure for you, madam?”

Her strokes are firm, but not too hard. “That’s good.”

As she continues to massage my shoulders, I feel the tension seeping from my body. Simone’s fingers are like heaven, but just as I start to relax, Alessandro moans loudly.

“Is that good for you, Mr. Volante?” Yelena asks in a syrupy voice.

“Perfect,” he practically purrs.

I grit my teeth and try to tune the world out while Simone works her magic. As hard as I try, I can’t ignore the raw, sexual sounds Alessandro emits.

“A little lower,” Alessandro groans. “Yeah, just there, sweetheart.”

I pride myself on my patience, but I will not simply lie here while my husband makes a fool out of me. Unconcerned that my sheet slips away to leave my top half exposed, I twist around and sit up. I glower at Yelena.

“Get out.”

“Excuse me?” She actually dares to scowl at me.

“You heard me. Get out, both of you, before I have you thrown out into the gutter where you belong.”

Alessandro rolls onto his side and props himself up on his elbow. He doesn’t even bother trying to hide his amusement.

“Mr. Volante,” Yelena pleads.

“You heard my wife. Get lost.”

They obey him immediately, which pisses me off because I was pretty clear when I told them to leave. They practically trip over each other to get out the door.

“Something the matter?” Alessandro asks with infuriating innocence.

“You were flirting with her right in front of me.”

“No. I was showing appreciation for her doing her job effectively.”
