Page 40 of His to Wed

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“Please, Alessandro,” I sob. “I’m sorry.”

“Are you?” he murmurs.

“Yes!” I yell, though my voice is hoarse from crying.

“You’ll obey me now without question?”

I nod frantically, desperate for this to be over. “Yes.”

“I’m not sure I believe you,dolcezza.” He taps the insides of my ankles with his belt. “Spread your legs wider.”

I immediately do as I’m told since this is clearly a test of my sincerity.

“This will serve as a warning of what will happen the next time you fail to obey me.”

There isn’t a chance to ask him what he’s talking about. Alessandro swings the belt and lands it three more times in quick succession, not on my bottom, but right between my legs. I shriek as a lick of flame travels along my pussy and ignites something deep inside me. The pain twists into an unbearable pressure.

“Did you like that?” Alessandro asks.


Upon my denial, he reaches between my legs and draws a finger along the length of my feminine slit.

“Little liar,” he taunts as he holds his hand in front of my face so I can see the glistening evidence of my arousal. “You’re drenched.”

The answering moan I emit is one of embarrassment. How could being belted like that turn me on? I was a virgin until a couple of days ago. Already, Alessandro seems to have awakened desires I never dreamed I possessed. He flips me over, onto my back. I hiss as I bounce, my aching bottom hitting the firm mattress hard. With my arms still bound behind me the position is uncomfortable, but I soon forget about that as Alessandro drags my legs up over his hips.

“Wrap your legs around my waist,” he urges me.

I do, and he groans as the heel of my shoe scrapes his back. If I’m not mistaken, he liked that. He impales me with a single brutal thrust. The fullness is something I may never grow accustomed to. It feels unnatural to be stretched like this and yet, it brings me a sense of completion. My body was made for this man to ravage.

At this angle, his cock rubs against my clit with every forward motion. The sensitive bud throbs as the first ripples of pleasure swirl inside me. Strain is evident on Alessandro’s face as he stamps his ownership on me. He’s trying to drive home a message. I am his. I get it.

As my breaths become more frantic, I wriggle my hips. Alessandro slides a hand beneath my bottom and my eyes widen as his finger presses against my forbidden hole.

“Soon I’m going to claim this ass.” His tone promises pleasure, a contrast to when he threatened to shove a plug inside me. “Are you ready to come,dolcezza?”

“I’m close.” I can hardly believe that desperate whine came from me.

“Then come for me.”

Alessandro smacks the side of my thigh. Tension coils inside me. I’m nearly there, yet satisfaction lies just out of reach.

“I said come, Emilia.” His tone is firm. He spanks me again, harder this time. The jolt of pain is enough to set off a wave of sensation inside me. With a harsh shriek, I hit my climax. My body convulses as Alessandro pulls out of me, the warm trickle of semen down my thigh telling me he too reached his peak.

He pulls me to my feet, and I wobble on these stupid heels. He supports my body as he reaches behind me to loosen the tie from around my wrists. I groan as he brings my arms to my sides and rubs them vigorously to ease the discomfort. Then, for several long minutes, he embraces me. Resting my head on his chest, I listen to the beating of his heart as it slows to a regular pace.

Eventually, he steps back, releasing me from the tight grip of his arms. I miss the contact, the feeling of being precious to him. He puts a finger beneath my chin and tilts my face so he can look into my eyes.

“I need you to understand that you are mine, Emilia. Mine to punish, mine to fuck, mine to protect.”

I nod, because who could argue against such a statement made with such determination.

Alessandro tuts at me. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I’m yours, Alessandro.”

It startles me to realize, in this moment, I mean it.
