Page 43 of His to Wed

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“Of course not.” I’m dismayed she thinks I would harbor some prejudice against the man because of his disfigurement.

“He’s like an uncle to me.”

Her fierce loyalty is admirable. It’s good to know she cares about other people. I don’t know Olivia yet. Though first impressionsof her were positive, I’m well aware a polite exterior can conceal a self-absorbed personality. Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to be like that.

“I’m pleased you have someone like him to protect you.”

“Me too,” Olivia agrees. “Now, tell me, how are things with you?”

“Okay, I guess. I’m fed up being stuck indoors. I want to see all of New York.”

Olivia laughs. “You could live here a hundred years and not see all of New York, but I get what you mean. I go stir crazy when Tony puts us on lockdown.”

“He does that?”

“Yes, if there’s a threat, he insists Mamma and I remain at home.”

That concerns me. I’d have thought being Mafia they’d be under constant threat. I’d hate to think this is my life now.

“Does that happen often?”

“Less often than when Tony first took over.” Olivia smiles reassuringly. “Look, Emilia, there’s obviously something going on right now, but my brothers will take care of it and then life can go back to normal.”

Her idea of what’s normal probably varies from mine, but I’m not going to debate about it when she’s clearly trying to make me feel better.

“And of course, you have the party to look forward to on Friday night,” Olivia says.

“What party?”

Olivia’s eyes widen. “Alessandro hasn’t told you about it?”

I shake my head. If Alessandro had mentioned a party, I would have taken notice.

“It’s Boris Reznov’s annual fundraiser at the Hotel Madeline. Our whole family goes. It’s a chance to strengthen our relationship with the Russians.”

“The Volantes are friends with the Russians?”

Olivia snorts with laughter. “I wouldn’t go that far, but Antonio does business with the Reznov Bratva.”

“So you go to their party every year?”

“Well, yeah, it’s one of the biggest events of the year. It’s important for us to be seen there. Besides, it’s all for a good cause. This year the Reznov Foundation is planning to build a new children’s hospital.”

“Sounds like a worthy cause.”

I wonder why Alessandro hasn’t told me about it. Perhaps he doesn’t want me to go. I purse my lips.

“It is, and wait until you see the dress Alessandro’s ordered for you.”

“He bought me a dress?”

Olivia grimaces. “He probably intended to surprise you with it. Forget I said anything.”

I can’t just pretend she didn’t tell me. I fold my arms across my chest. “Are you telling me Alessandro has bought me a dress for a party he hasn’t even bothered to tell me we’ll be going to?”

“What can I say? My brother’s an asshole. They all are,” Olivia says. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t want to cause trouble between you and Sandro.”

“It’s fine.”
