Page 47 of His to Wed

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“No, Alessandro.” Livvy slips her feet back into the black ballet flats I hadn’t even noticed she wasn’t wearing. “We’re high on life. You should try it sometime. Finding joy in the little things would take years off you.”

“Are you saying I look old?”

“No, brother dearest.” She marches across the room and pats me on the shoulder. “I’m saying youareold.”

“It’s having you for a sister.” I watch as she heads for the door. “You’re the leading cause of premature aging in our family.”

“Ha, ha.” Livvy turns and waves to Emilia. “See you later, Em.”

“Bye, Livvy.” If they’re using abbreviated forms of each other’s names, they’ve obviously gotten comfortable with each other. “Thanks for today.”

As I look at my wife, she shifts from one foot to the other, clearly uneasy about something. I wonder if she’s worried I’m angry about finding my sister still here, but I quickly realize that’s not what prevents her from coming to greet me. When she balls up her fists and places them on her hips, a wave of annoyance travels all the way across the room to reach me.

“So when were you going to tell me about this party on Friday?” she demands.

Ah, that’s what’s got her all outraged. “I assume Livvy mentioned it.”


I drop my car keys on the glass-topped table by the door and shrug off my jacket. “And that bothers you?”

“Yes. I should hear these things from you.”

I cross the room to stand in front of her. “I forgot.”

Emilia’s lips form a disapproving pout. “You can’t just forget to tell me these things. I need to know if I’m going to be expected to attend some event. You have to be more considerate.”

“Are you nagging me, wife?” I reach out and grab her around the waist, pulling her close to me.

A smile touches her lips. “I don’t know, husband. What would be the penalty for that?”

This is one of the things I love about Emilia. She slips so easily into a playful mood.

“Well, I’d have to find another use for your mouth.” I lower my head and kiss her. “But first I’d plug your naughty little ass to help focus your mind.”

“Hmm, that would definitely make me think twice about scolding you.” Emilia says. The sparkle in her eye gives away her next move. “But, of course, you’d have to catch me first.”

She pushes away from me, and I let her go. She sprints across the living room and down the corridor toward the bedrooms. I give her a couple of seconds’ head start and then give chase. Teaching her this particular lesson is going to be fun.



Excitement fires through me as I skip along the corridor. The apartment is big, but there’s not far to run. I don’t want to get away from Alessandro, anyway. This is not about escaping him; it’s about the thrill of the chase. The anticipation of being caught makes my pulse race. I want to hear the note of command in my husband’s voice as he tells me what to do. I need to feel his hands on my body as he forces my legs apart and takes what I’m only too willing to give. This is not a game I ever imagined myself playing, but I feel safe with Alessandro. Though we’ve only been together a short time, I understand the sort of man he is. He’s dominant, demanding, but there’s not a doubt in my mind he would never hurt me. That would violate his innate sense of honor.

It doesn’t take long for me to run out of corridor. With nowhere left to go, I turn and lean back against the wall, trying to project an air of casual indifference. It crumbles the moment Alessandro appears at the other end of the passageway, like a movie villainstepping out of the shadows. When I tremble, however, it isn’t fueled by fear, but desire.

Alessandro takes a couple of steps toward me, his pace unhurried. He knows he’s got me. He stops and stares at me. It takes determination but I hold his gaze. I doubt many people can.

Heat spreads through me at the intensity of the moment. Without breaking eye contact with me, Alessandro unbuttons his cuffs and rolls his shirt sleeves up, one after the other, to reveal strong, masculine forearms. He’s sending a message. My husband means business.

I’m not quite ready to surrender. Flashing him a cheeky wink, I bounce on my toes and dart into the guest bedroom on my right. Impulsively, I slam the door shut and slide the bolt across to lock it. I can’t make things too easy for Alessandro. If he wants to fuck me, he needs to work for it.

Stepping back from the door, I look around the room. Like everything in this place, the décor is dark, gloomy, but the bed has a light oak frame, and its covers are off-white. There’s an adjoining bathroom but no closet. As the handle of the door rattles, I hold my breath.

“Open this door, Emilia,” Alessandro commands. “You won’t like the consequences if I have to ask twice.”

That’s where he’s wrong. Using the punishments he’s already dished out in our short time as husband and wife as a barometer, I suspect I’ll like it very much. He won’t be harsh with me. I can tell from the amusement in his voice, he’s enjoying my antics. Still, I don’t want him to break the door down. I’ve never liked needless destruction.
