Page 5 of His to Wed

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Emilia shatters the daydream by grinding her teeth, a discordant noise that sends a shudder down my spine. I squeeze her ass hard.

“Yes,” she spits out. “I understand.”

“Good girl. Now, settle down and don’t move again.”

I untangle my fingers from her hair and she does as instructed, draping her upper body over my lap once more. She pushes up onto her tiptoes and places her palms on the floor to helpher balance better. If she’s worried about falling, she needn’t. I wouldn’t allow that to happen.

As much as I’d love to pull her panties down and watch her olive skin turn red, I’m not going to do that. Emilia is an innocent, and I’m willing to wait until our wedding night to see all of her. Though I haven’t been a saint in the past, I want this marriage to get off on the right foot. So I’ll try to show my bride the consideration she deserves.

Drawing my arm back, I spank her right butt cheek. Even with the fabric of her panties creating a barrier between my palm and her flesh, there’s a satisfying crack. Emilia gasps, a desperate, breathy sound that I could easily grow to love.

There isn’t time to enjoy this first spanking the way I want to since time is pressing, so I step up the pace, peppering hard smacks across her pert ass. At first, her only response is the occasional sharp breath but, after a minute, she’s moaning softly with each strike. Unable to obey my command to keep still, she wriggles on my lap, making my cock sit up and take notice.

“Are you enjoying this as much as I am, Emilia?” I can’t help taunting her because her reactions are so entertaining. “Is being spanked turning you on?”

“No, it is not,” she denies primly.

“Oh, Emilia. Should I add a further punishment for lying?”

“Please don’t.” Her voice is quiet, but I haven’t broken her yet.

I raise my hand and resume her spanking, paying equal attention to her left and right butt cheeks. It doesn’t take long for her to start pleading with me to stop. I pause, resting my handon her ass. Through the thin silk of her panties, I feel the heat radiating from her skin.

“Have you had enough yet, Emilia?”

I know she’s nowhere near her limit, but I want to see if she’s prepared to lie to me about it. Before she can answer, the door to the taverna flies open and Stefan rushes in. He’s one of the two men my brother, Antonio, insisted I bring on this trip to retrieve my blushing bride. I’d have preferred to come alone, but Antonio is the boss of the family, and nobody says no to him.

Wanting to keep a low profile, I booked into Gianni Conti’s hotel under a false name, choosing a modest room so I could pass myself off as just another American tourist. My men stayed at a different hotel close by, an arrangement that nobody but me was happy with.

Being at Conti’s hotel gave me the chance to observe Emilia for a couple of days while Stefan and Roberto checked out her uncles, who live in the town. Emilia’s grandfather, Ernesto, has long suspected one of his three sons of working to bring him down. Unfortunately, we haven’t figured out yet which of them is the traitor.

As Stefan heads for us, I quickly pull Emilia’s skirt down to preserve her modesty. I don’t allow her to get up, splaying a hand across the small of her back to hold her in place. If she wants to act like a brat, she needs to realize I will punish her for it, even in front of my men.

“What is it?” I demand, as Stefan stares down at Emilia, his mouth flapping open. If he doesn’t avert his eyes in the next two seconds, I’m going to gouge them out and stuff them down his throat.

He blinks and looks up at me. “We have to go. The Conti house is under attack.”

“What?” Emilia cries out. “What’s happening?”

“You’re in danger. I need to get you out of here.”

Setting Emilia on her feet, I rise from my chair. I hold on to her arm in case she tries to flee. It’s not safe for her out there. The attack on Ernesto’s home is coming sooner than any of us predicted. He thought I’d be able to get his granddaughter safely to New York before his enemies made their move. My heart lurches as I realize if I hadn’t intercepted Emilia tonight, she would be at his house amid the massacre that’s undoubtedly happening there.

“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.”

As I try to pull Emilia toward the door, she digs her heels in. She’s surprisingly difficult to move. There isn’t time for me to reason with her, so I pick her up by the waist and carry her outside to where Roberto has a Mercedes SUV waiting. I deposit Emilia on the back seat and get in next to her. Predictably, she scrambles away from me and tries to open the other door. It’s locked, of course.

She turns to face me, a deep scowl on her face. She’s like an angry kitten. It’s hard to take her obvious fury seriously.

“Let me out.”

Ignoring her demand, I lean forward and tap Roberto on the shoulder. “Straight to the airfield. I want to take off immediately.” I turn to Emilia. “Put your seatbelt on.”

I have my passport with me, but not Emilia’s. It won’t be an issue. Nobody here or in New York is going to challenge me.The few personal items I left at her uncle’s hotel are of no consequence. They’re easily replaced.

While Stefan gets on the phone with our pilot, Roberto drives off slowly. He sticks to the speed limit so we don’t attract attention as we drive along the streets of San Vicente. We have no idea where Ernesto Conti’s enemies are, and we can’t risk anyone coming after Emilia. Though we have weapons in the car, I’d prefer not to have to shoot our way out of here. I promised Antonio I’d do nothing to draw attention to us.

I turn to Emilia and realize she hasn’t fastened her safety belt. Reaching over, I draw it across her slender body and clip it in place. She tries to bat my hands away.
