Page 51 of His to Wed

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The ballroom tests my resolve not to gawp at everything. It’s a vast space with a stage set up at one end. Dozens of tables covered with pristine white cloths and decorated with elegant displays of red roses at their centers have been placed around a dance floor. Marble columns support an ornate ceiling reminiscent of an Italian Renaissance palazzo. Gold-framed mirrors hang on the walls on either side of the room, to create infinite reflections of anyone standing between them.

“This reminds me of the ballroom in your mother’s house,” I remark.

Alessandro snorts derisively. “Mamma has better taste than this.”

Considering the tackiness of the décor in our department, Alessandro has a nerve decrying anyone else’s design aesthetic. I wonder if the snobbery so evident in his upturned nose betrayssome jealousy of Reznov’s obvious wealth and power. Before I can probe, a familiar figure hurries across the room toward us.

“Hey, guys, you made it.”

“Livvy.” Alessandro greets his sister with a kiss on each cheek. He looks her up and down and his lip curls in distaste. “Did Antonio approve that dress?”

“Yes, because I run all my fashion choices past my big brother.” Livvy rolls her eyes. “There is nothing wrong with this dress, is there, Emilia?”

Oh, boy. I wish she hadn’t dragged me into this. Her black satin dress is stunning, but I can see exactly where Alessandro has found fault with it. The neckline plunges almost to the navel and barely covers her breasts. If my husband thought the slit in my skirt was too revealing, the one in his sister’s gown might just give him a heart attack. It goes right to the top of her thigh, showing off her long, lean legs. I don’t know if it’s sticky tape or some quirk of physics holding the dress in place, but I fear it will take only the slightest slip for her to be completely exposed. Since the dress clings to her like a second skin, I’d be surprised if she’s wearing panties. If her brothers come to the same conclusion, she’ll probably end up in a convent.

Realizing the siblings are both waiting for my verdict on the dress, I clear my throat. Whichever side I take, I risk pissing off a volatile personality. In the end, I decide to appease my sister-in-law. It will help my blossoming friendship with her, and I can handle a spanking if Alessandro decides to dish one out.

“I think you look incredible, Livvy.” I ignore Alessandro’s disapproving growl. “Stunning, in fact. Every man here is going to want your number.”

“Make sure none of them gets it,” Alessandro grouses.

Sensing a fight brewing between them, I crane my neck and make a show of looking around the room. “Is Ava here?”

“Yes, she’s at our table.”

“And your brothers?”

“They’re at the bar, bitching about Gio not turning up.”

Alessandro curses under his breath. “Why don’t you two join Mamma? I’ll go speak to the others.”

I nod and Alessandro walks off, muttering about his younger brother’s lack of responsibility. Livvy threads her arm through mine and leads me across the room.

“Now that he’s mad at Gio he’ll forget all about my dress.”

I doubt that. Every time he looks at his sister, his blood pressure will be pushed higher.

“It is a bit daring.”

“I know,” Livvy admits. “I didn’t realize this much skin would be on display. It’s too risqué, isn’t it?”

I’m surprised to hear such self-doubt in her voice. She tugs nervously at the strap of her dress as if she can somehow cover herself. I feel bad for her. “If anyone can pull off a gown like that, it’s the Volanteprincipessa.”

“Thank you, Emilia. I’m so glad you married my asshole brother.”

“He’s not an asshole.” I can’t help but defend Alessandro. Despite his flaws, he’s somehow taken up residence in my heart. “He’s just protective.”

Livvy arches a perfectly trimmed eyebrow. “You actually like Sandro?”

I shrug. “He’s not so bad.”

“Ha! You love him, don’t you?”

I neither confirm nor deny, but Livvy’s still grinning broadly as we reach Ava. She’s sitting at a large round table set for eight. As we approach, she rises from her chair to greet me.

“Emilia! You look beautiful.” She gives me a warm hug and then pulls back, pointing to the chair on her left. “Here, sit by me.”

“Thank you, Ava.” I take my seat as Livvy also sits. She leaves a space between me and her for Alessandro. “I love your dress.”
