Page 55 of His to Wed

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Of course they’re not. He doesn’t need my wife’s gratitude because he will exact payment for the favor from my family at a later date. Emilia probably doesn’t realize that, though. She isn’t used to how this world works yet. Nobody ever gives something for nothing.

“What do you remember?” Antonio asks. “Tell us everything.”

“Uh, a server spilled wine on my dress, and we were going to clean up.” Emilia’s eyes widen and she gasps in horror. “Livvy! Where is she? Is she okay?”

She struggles to push herself upright and this time, I help her, maneuvering us both so I can cradle her on my lap.

“Livvy is fine. She’s got a slight cut above her eye, but no stitches required. Mamma’s taking her home.”

“But there was so much blood.”

“Head injuries can bleed a lot,” Antonio tells her in a manner that’s in no way comforting. “What happened after you left the ballroom?”

“Didn’t Livvy tell you?”

“She was vague on the details.” I put it in kinder terms than Antonio did. It’s not our sister’s fault she was too traumatized to think straight when he questioned her.

“We got to the corridor and there was a man there. She called him Enzo. Does that help?”

“It does.” Although we already know his identity, I’m pleased Emilia mentioned the details. It shows she remembers clearly.

“Livvy and I realized something was off,” Emilia continues. Her forehead creases into a frown. I stroke a hand up and down her arm, needing to touch her, hoping she takes comfort in it.

“How did you know we were in trouble?”

“Piotr’s team noticed a security camera was out of action and he went to check it out.”

Thank fuck they were quick to realize there was a problem and alert him. Another minute and Emilia would have been gone.

“Okay.” Emilia nods, digesting the information. “So, we were about to come back to the ballroom when Cheryl hit Livvy with the tray and tried to drag me to the door. She said my uncle was going to take me home.”

I nod, encouraging her to continue.

“Enzo hit me because I was resisting. Cheryl told him he wasn’t supposed to hurt me, but he said my uncle only wanted me alive long enough for me to sign something. What was he talking about? Which uncle?”

I draw in a deep breath and blow it out slowly. Emilia is not going to like this, but I see no point in keeping her in the dark. She’ll only end up resenting me.

“We think your uncle Gianni was the one who orchestrated the hit on your grandfather. We suspect he plans to take your inheritance and…”

“Gianni!” Emilia interrupts, her tone incredulous. “No, he’s…”

She waves her hand helplessly as she tries to find the right word. Tears well in her eyes. Gianni Conti is her favorite uncle, the one she worked alongside every day.

“He’s always been good to me, Alessandro. There must be some mista…” Her voice trails off, and she lets out a shuddering sob.

I wrap my arms tighter around her. “What is it,dolcezza?”

“He told me to go straight home.” She shakes her head in disbelief. “The night it all happened, he talked about how he wished I’d had a chance to experience more from life, then told me to go straight home.”

Antonio and I exchange a look. My brother’s fierce glower matches the anger I feel. Gianni tried to send his own niece to her death. Before I can say anything, the door opens and Leo comes into the room.

“How you doing, sweetheart?” he asks Emilia.

“I’m okay.”

He flashes her a wink. “Good girl.”

There’s a knock at the door and Gio comes in, followed by Dr. Marino. Emilia tenses as he makes a beeline straight for us. I guess he’s not what you’d expect from a medical professional. Tall and wiry, there’s a meanness in his sharp features and thin lips. He looks more like he’d take pleasure in killing than curing you.
