Page 23 of Luca

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His whole being filled with warmth, and it was a long moment before he could answer. “I’m happy to see you, too, sweetheart.”

They’d parted the previous weekend with nothing more than a few long hugs, but he was dying to kiss her. He’d thought of it all week, and now that she was in his arms again, with her sweet strawberry scent wafting through his senses and her sweet, soft body pressed against his, he could barely think of anything else. So, when she lifted her chin to gaze up at him adoringly, he bent and pressed his lips to hers.

She sighed, and he nearly did, too, as her soft, plush lips met his. He felt the surrender in her body, her muscles going loose, and he had to command his cock to calm the hell down. It was such a mixture of desire and emotion, he was a little blown away.

Get yourself together.

“You feel so good, honey, but I’m afraid I’m going to get us both in trouble if I keep kissing you. Because yours are the sweetest lips I’ve ever had the pleasure to kiss. So…” he cleared his throat. “Uh, I’m gonna take a step back and let you grab a sweater, then what do you say we go?”

She giggled, then popped up on her toes to quickly press a kiss on his mouth. “Just ‘cause I like the idea of you getting into trouble, Daddy. And kissing you!”

He gave her butt a playful swat. “I like kissing you, too, but get your sweater and stop teasing your Daddy, baby.”

“Yes, sir,” she bratted with a small, sassy salute, then she turned to open the hall closet. “Got it, and my backpack. I’m all ready.”

“Good job.”

Outside, he helped her into his big blue truck, then insisted on buckling her seatbelt himself before they took off.

It was about a twenty minute drive out to Plano, and Frankie kept up the excited chatter all the way, asking questions aboutthe dog rescue and where he’d get the dogs from and how he’d find them homes. He was barely able to keep up, but it felt good to talk about his dreams with someone who seemed as excited about it as he was. She even suggested she open a doggie bakery instead of one for people.

When they reached his property he jumped out to open the gate, then got back into the truck and started down the gravel drive.

She turned to him with big, round eyes. “Wow! I had no idea this place would be so big, with so much property!”

“It’s about 3 acres, which isn’t huge by Texas standards, but it’s big enough to house the dogs, and to have space to build an adoption center and dog runs. I want to show you the barn I’m converting into kennels, but let’s stop at the house first.”

“Okay. I can’t wait to see everything!” she said, bouncing in her seat as much as the seatbelt would allow.

He parked in front of his ranch-style house, got out with an order to Frankie to wait until he came around for her. She was still bouncing when he got to her side of the truck.

“Honey, you need to hold still so I can get this seatbelt off.”

“But I’m sooooooooooo excited! I wanna see where you live, ’n where the dogs will live, ’neverything!”

He chuckled as he finally managed to undo her seatbelt, then lifted her down. She grabbed his hand as they walked to the front door, and his heart squeezed in his chest. She really was the most adorable Little girl he’d ever met.

He unlocked the door and ushered her inside.

“Oh! It’s so cozy, Daddy! I love the big stone fireplace and all the windows! And the wood paneling and the beams on the ceiling and…it just looks like a big country cabin ‘cept it’s not a cabin, it’s your house!”

She let his hand go and ran across the room to launch herself onto the big brown leather sofa.

“This place looks like you! Cozy and comfy and beautiful!”

He sat down beside her, chuckling at her description. “You think Daddy’s beautiful, baby?”

She got up on her knees and held his face in her small hands. “Yep, I do. I think you’re the be-ooootifulist Daddy in the world!”

“Aw, baby girl. You’re the sweetest.”

She grinned. “‘Cept when I’m being bratty, huh?”

“Even then.”

“Well, you haven’t seen me really brat out yet, Daddy. You’ll maybe change your mind.”

“Nope. Never. I’ll just spank you until the bratting stops.”
