Page 33 of Luca

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“Nope. This has been perfect.”

She meant it.

Five monthslater

“Hey, my honey girl!” Daddy greeted her when she arrived at his place. “You ready to celebrate?”

“Yes, please,” she answered, as excited to see him as she’d been from their first date.

There was so much to celebrate: their time together, their commitment to each other. And so much more.

She launched into his arms, as she always did, and he lifted her and gave her a spin.

“Daddy, I gave my notice at the law firm! Ooh, my dad was mad, but you know what? It doesn’t matter. I can start to focus on opening the dog bakery and I can’t wait!”

“And the kennels and adoption center are nearly done, and I hired a manager today. Cash is a friend from Dial-A-Daddy. I think you’re going to like him.”

“That’s great! Now all you need are dogs in need of a home.”

“We’ll open in about two weeks, baby. And as soon as we’re up and running I can help you with the bakery.”

“Daddy? Thank you for giving me the confidence to follow my dreams. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“And all of my dreams coming together with you in them is more than I could have ever hoped for.”

He gave her another spin, then set her on her feet. “Ready to go out to dinner?”

“Yep, ready.”

They got into his truck, with him insisting, as always, that he lift her into her seat and buckle her seatbelt, then he got in and they headed out, chatting about all their plans.

They reached the end of his gravel road, and he slammed on the brakes, his arm pressed to her body to keep her safe.

“Daddy? What’s wrong?”

“There’s a dog tied to the gate.”

“What? It wasn’t here when I drove in.”

She looked and saw it in front of the big truck, a white pittie mix. The poor thing was so dirty and had a heavy chain around its neck, and was tied to the gate with an old rope.

“Someone must have heard you were going to open a rescue,” she said, her heart breaking for the abandoned dog.

“Yep, I think so. You stay here while I go see if it’s friendly.”

She watched as he jumped out and approached the dog slowly. As soon as her Daddy walked up, the dog wagged its taillike crazy, and leaned its head against his leg, whimpering. Then it licked his hand, and her Daddy smiled.

She couldn’t wait any longer—she got out of the truck and moved slowly toward the dog. “Can I pet him?”

“Sure, baby, but go slow. And it’s not a he. Pretty sure she’s pregnant.”


She knelt down on the gravel and reached out, offering her hand, and the dog gave her a gentle lick, looking up at her with big brown eyes.

“I think she likes you,” Daddy Luca said.

“And I think Pittie Haven is about to be open and operational,” she replied.
