Page 7 of Luca

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He knew so little about her—what she looked like, who she really was. But no, he had some sense of her true self. It had come out once she went into Little space, and there was a lot he could read between the lines.

He suspected she was a workaholic, that she spent way too little time, if any, on self-care. But that was about to change, if he had anything to say about it. And there was a sweetness about her…and the need to be cared for that had reached him even over the phone.

She needed him. Of that he was certain. And it felt good.

He made a quick call to Annie.

“Hey, Annie. Can you take me off the schedule for the rest of the day?”

“Of course, Luca. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just have to take care of some things this afternoon.”

“Okay. I don’t have any specific requests for you today, so it’s fine. Oh, how did it go with the new client, Francesca?”

“It went well.”

That was the understatement of the year.

“Oh, good! Is there anything that came out of today’s conversation I need to know about?”

Only his raging hard-on driven by the need to wrap that Little girl up in his arms and make the world okay.

“Uh, only that we’ve given her a nickname. We’re calling her Frankie from now on.”

“That’s super cute! I’ll make a note. Is she scheduled for another call? And do you think she’ll ask for you again?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure she will. And she’ll call in tomorrow. I’m happy to keep my day flexible so I’ll be available when she calls.”

“You’ll remain…flexible?” Annie asked, her tone low.

“Come on, Annie. Go ahead and ask.”

“You’re into this girl, aren’t you, Luca?”

He paused maybe a little too long, knowing Annie would read into it. And she’d be right. “Maybe a bit. I can tell she needs me, is all.”

“Hmm,” Annie replied.

“Okay, okay, just keep whatever other ideas you’re having to yourself. I’ll fill you in if there’s anything you need to know. Deal?”

“Of course. Deal. I’ve got a call coming in—I’ll talk to you tomorrow. ”


He set his cell phone down and leaned back in his office chair. He had a pile of work to do, but he didn’t feel like doing any of it. What he really wanted was to get in the shower and jerk himself off under the hot water. Then he wanted to get Frankie’s phone number and call her.

Of course, he couldn’t do that. Not the phone call part, anyway. That wasn’t how Dial-A-Daddy worked. Their client’s privacy was always guaranteed.

“But I can sure as hell think about it in the shower,” he muttered as he made his way into the bathroom and shed his clothes.

He wasn’t sure why he was responding to Frankie like this, but it didn’t matter right then. All that mattered was getting his cock in his hand while he closed his eyes and remembered her voice over the phone.

He may be her phone Daddy, but she was his fantasy-by-phone Little girl now, too.


Francesca raced home after work at six o’clock. While she’d eaten a quick lunch at her desk, she’d managed to call and tell Annie at Dial-A-Daddy that she couldn’t call in until the evening. She’d barely been able to concentrate on work all day, and couldn’t wait to get home and get on the phone with Daddy Luca.
