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I lean back against the linen-covered table, watching the light play across her face, casting shadows that shouldn't be there on such a bright day. A plan begins to form in my mind.

A solution that could solve both our problems.

"Maybe…" I venture, drawing her attention. "I might have a way to help."

"Really?" Surprise lights up her features like the sun breaking through clouds. "What kind of help are we talking about?"

"Let's just say," I pause, the thrill of the gamble running through my veins, "it's a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Her eyes narrow slightly, intrigued and cautious all at once. But behind that caution, I see it.

The spark of hope. That this might just work after all.

The possibility of a deal hangs in the air between us like the heady scent of the vineyard's blooms. Pearl's gaze, now a perfect blend of hope and skepticism, pins me in place.

Until the whirlwind that is Savannah sweeps in, her satin dress fluttering behind her like a superhero's cape. She bangs open the patio door and looks between us with some surprise.

“Oh, there you are!”

Pearl hands me the bottle of whiskey, grinning sheepishly.

“Please don’t tell anyone that we decided to sneak off for a tipple. I don’t really understand why anyone drinks wine.”

"Well, I’m sorry to interrupt," Savannah chirps. She loops an arm through Pearl's. "But I need you to come settle an argument. You don’t mind, do you?"

The attention slides to me. I shake my head and raise the bottle at them.

I hate to lose my only friend at this function, but I’m not the type to make a fuss. The bride asks for Pearl, so the bride gets to pull her attention away.

“Of course not,” I say. “Pearl is quite popular today.”

“Thanks, River,” Sav says. “Don’t stay out here too long. It’s frigging cold!”

Pearl throws me an apologetic look over her shoulder. She starts to take off my jacket, but I shake my head.

“Keep it. It looks better on you.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

I cup my hand to my ear. “What’s that? Ridiculously handsome, you said?”

"You’re awful. We’ll talk later, though?”

Oh, you can bet on that.

Savannah starts pulling her through the patio door.

"Definitely." I flash her a reassuring smile, already plotting how I can turn our potential deal into something concrete.

As Pearl is whisked away inside to the sea of well-dressed guests, a seed of anticipation takes root within me. I straighten my jacket and weave through the crowd, searching for Sam amidst the rich laughter and clinking glasses.

I’ve been planning to approach my stepdad when the moment was right to talk about buying Pearl’s great aunt Delta’s property. And time has just become a pressing factor. If another realty company gets wind of the distressed nature of the Brown property first, I might miss out on a land development deal that’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"River!" Sam greets me with a handshake that feels more like a business transaction than a familial greeting. He looks every inch the tycoon in his tailored suit. His presence is commanding even in this celebratory setting.

"Sam, I have a proposition for you." I lean in, aware of the curious glances from surrounding partygoers. My pulse quickens.

Not from nerves. No, it’s the thrill of the chase provided by the game of business.
