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Still, no point in getting too cocky.

Before totally accepting these damn-I’m-good accolades, I pick up my phone, open the app, and check to make sure every single camera works via phone, too.

Everything looks flawless.

Thank fuck for Drake.

It’d have taken me twice as long without his help, but I can’t deny the sense of accomplishment that comes with climbing around on roofs all day, meticulously wiring everything in, all for that little blonde stray of mine.

Nothing’s going to hurt her here.

I’ll turn this place into a fortress of doom before I let Jackknife and the rest of his clowns catch me with my pants down, or snatch Grace and her old man from right under my nose.

No need for a workout today, either. I got plenty of that doing installation on the house, cabin, storage shed, and barn.

That last one was dicey. The roof was still slippery from melting ice and steep angles unfit for a bird.

My calves are still stinging with a satisfied burn.

I’m damn glad Drake loaned me the climbing rope so I could tie myself off. It kept me from falling off the roof and snapping my neck.

I’m thankful for everything he brought over, really. I’d noticed all the cameras at his place last fall, the first time he invited me over for a beer.

“Old habits,” he said, and I knew exactly what that meant.

He’d kept their whole place wired up ever since the trouble with Jupiter Oil, a rival pack of dirty, backstabbing oilmen.

Nothing dangerous has come to Drake and Bella’s doorstep since then, but I’d be the last person to blame a man for being too careful.

I’m grateful he kept them now for a whole new reason.

The minute I called, asking him if he’d purchased them locally, he’d offered to bring the whole set over since they’ve had a good run of peace.

I’d happily accepted. Even with overnight shipping, I couldn’t have gotten anything else up and running this quick, and after what happened to Grace in that alley, speed is of the essence.

Those fucks could show up again anytime, right on my doorstep.


I’ll know it before they get within a mile of the house. Several miles if they come down the main service road. My place is on higher ground and I just gave it eyes.

We’re ready for them.

“Dinner call,” Tobin says, walking in through the open door. “I trust you won’t delay after the day you’ve had? Must’ve worked up a fierce appetite.”

“No way, I’m starving,” I say, just as my stomach growls like a bear.

“Missing lunch will do that,” he says, pedantic as ever.

“Huh?” Scowling, I push away from the desk and stand, stretching my arms high over my head. “I ate the sandwich you left on the front porch.”

“That wasn’t me. Miss Sellers’ offering,” Tobin says, stiff as ever. “She left it there without interrupting your work. Also, she agrees with me that you should’ve hired someone rather than climbing up on those treacherous roofs by yourselves. Even with an officer assisting, you could’ve gotten injured.”

“Tobin, Tobin. You realize it would’ve taken a week to drag some poor contractor out here from town to rig up cameras, right?” I laugh at him and secretly smile at the notion Grace made sure I had something to fill my gut.

“Perhaps. But perhaps you also realize luck has its limits, Ridge,” he says quietly.

I study him for a minute, never quite sure what’s going on behind this damn android-man’s glasses.

Of course, I’d seen Grace walking between the house and cabin today.

Every time, it made me feel good to know I was busting my hump for her.

I haven’t done anything like this since Afghanistan. Life hadn’t allowed it, and the one time I put myself in real danger after my discharge…that was about me.

Even while I was enlisted, I’d been serving my country.

That was plenty rewarding, but this is different.

This is all for her, a lovely young woman counting on me to keep her safe. A brilliant streak of sunshine who still won’t admit she needs me.

Somehow, that makes this insanity more intimate.

“Is she already here?” I ask.

When I’d come inside an hour ago, I’d gone straight to the bathroom downstairs after seeing Drake off and then to my office to check the cameras.

“She’s still at the cabin, I believe.”

“Aren’t they joining us for dinner?” I do a double take and instantly regret it.

I swear, I’m not fucking holding my breath over whether or not this lady wants to eat with us but…I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t.

Tobin looks at me over his frames.

“Her father requested soup for supper again, and she said she’d have the same herself. I believe she planned to stay with him for the night.” He turns, heading for the door. “I already carried their food over with some bread, fresh fruit, and a pie. In case they’d rather have a fuller meal.”
