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He shakes his head, then nods, then shakes his head again.

“I’m no good to you, can’t even help fix this crap. That drill sergeant of a nurse won’t let me out of this bed except to piss,” he groans.

“Yep, that’s her job. It’s how you’re going to get better. Strong enough to help me out.” I don’t want to hint that I know as much as I do about his past, so I shift focus. “You’re paying for her, so you’d better get your money’s worth.”

“I’m not paying—”

“The VA is,” I interject, bending the truth. “You’re a veteran.”

He is, yeah, but I know full well the hoops veterans have to jump through to get decent medical care outside of an authorized facility. Of course I’m paying for the nurse and anything else he needs, and no, he doesn’t need to know it just yet.

“How’d you make that happen, anyway?” he asks, a good sign his mind is firing on all cylinders.

I give him a wink. “I have my ways. Something else I wanted to mention…I started this whole media thing. I’m the one who told that Jackknife asshole at the Purple Bobcat that Grace and I were engaged. He told his boss, and we saw the fallout.” I shrug, meeting his confused look. “Wouldn’t be much of a soldier if I didn’t accept responsibility.”

He lets that sink in before he asks, “So what’s your plan?”

“The media leaks all say Grace and I are engaged. I figure this asshole is trying to run her off, get her away from here by slandering my reputation, thinking I can’t stand the spotlight. They have to know I left Hollywood for some peace and quiet. They’re using that against me, trying to scare you both into leaving so he can snap you up.”

“That’s his style,” Nelson says glumly. “Bastard thinks he can control everything. Every movement. I’m thankful he’s a little out of his element here, having no clue how showbiz works.”

“Exactly. My plan is to make his plan backfire. Grace and I will put on a show. Act engaged. I’ll take her to town, make sure everybody knows your girl hooked the most eligible new bachelor in Dallas. It’s time I introduce myself to the town properly, too. I’ll encourage folks to go wild, posting their pics of us on their social media sites, giving interviews, the works.”

“That’s only going to—”

“Piss off the Milwaukee boys? That’s what we want. Force their hand. Bring them here, where we’ll be ready.” I pat his arm. “Our turf, our rules. I have good, capable friends who’ll help us out. All former military guys, one was even in the FBI. I know the sheriff and his right-hand man. We’ll be ready and waiting, ready to swing shut the biggest damn mousetrap you’ve ever seen.”

For a second, he turns it over, his eyes brightening. They’re a shade paler than Grace’s.

Then he shakes his head, heaving out a sigh.

“Nahhh, you can’t rope more guys into this. Wouldn’t be right. The Old Town Boys are smarter than you’d think, and Clay, he’s got millions at his disposal.” He hangs his head. “Yeah, I know you’re probably richer than him, Ridge, but he’s a straight-up thug. A savage who’s been in this game his whole life. Outsmarting him isn’t as easy as you think.”

Excitement hits my blood, knowing he trusts me enough to name names.

“I’m planning it down to the last detail,” I say, giving him a fierce nod. The more I think about this, the more I know it’s our only chance. “My buddies have taken down bigger scum than Clay. They’ll have our backs.”

He looks at me, studying my face, looking for any sign of weakness.

I can tell he’s close to agreeing, he wants to, but he’s too used to be being prey. After what they’ve suffered, it’s too hard to believe they could be on the hunter’s side.

“She won’t do it,” he says. “Grace, I mean. It’s not all up to me.”

I lean in closer. “With your permission, leave that to me. It’s time this ends, and we can make it happen for both of you.”

He rubs his forehead, sighing again. “She won’t get hurt? You promise me, mister?”

“I’ll protect her with my life. Just like you’ve done since the day she was born.” To bring it home, I add, “Just like you promised her mother, I’m sure. You’ve seen what I’m willing to do to keep her safe, both of you. You have my word, Nelson.”

A hot tear I pretend not to see slips out of his eye.

Wiping at it while I look away, he nods.

“All right, Ridge. Sold. You have my blessing to marry—” He holds up his fingers and makes quotation marks, then smiles. “Marry my little girl. And if she asks, then yeah. I’ll tell her I agree with your plan a hundred percent. Welcome to the family.”
