Page 1 of My Demon Rebound

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It hurts like hell every time I return to the underworld, no pun intended. My bones feel like they're stretching thin, my balance is off, and I'm all twisted on the inside.

As soon as my feet touch the black stone pathway leading to where my father usually is, I stretch out my limbs and shake off the weird sensations running through my body, quickly adjusting to the change in temperature. For humans, the heat is unbearable, and it slowly melts the flesh off their bones. When they say you'll burn in hell, they mean literally.

Good thing I'm not human. Never have been. I'm only in love with one, and plan on marching straight up to my father to tell him I'll be staying with Albert on earth permanently. I’m going to do it. It's been on my mind for weeks, and I'm tired of being away from Albert so much. He's not fond of my trips back home either and is growing tired of hearing my excuses for why I have to leave for such long periods at a time. I've confessed to being a demon from hell many times and not once has he believed me. Most humans don't.

Walking at a rapid speed around the red curving stone walls, I tense up as I get closer to my dad’s lair. He sits up in his chair, leaning forward with his long red fingers spread out over his large red knees. Demons are normally large creatures, so it was a shock to everyone when I grew up to be slim, short, and lacking muscles… well everywhere.

My size isn’t the only thing keeping me from fitting in. Ever since I was a child, pretty things have captured my attention, such as silky fabrics, lace, flowers, and jewels. As if that didn't make me stand out enough, unlike my family, my skin is mostly black with random red spots and lines.

Clearing his throat to bring me back to my current reality, my father tilts his head. "Look who has finally decided to greet me with his presence. Did you have a nice trip?"

"I did." I almost didn't come back. His ability to easily find me and drag me back at any time is the only reason I'm here.

"Good," he says pointedly. "Because you won't be going anywhere for a long time. You have responsibilities and are needed here. You were only to go up to earth to find your brother, and that was months ago. What is your reasoning for returning to that treacherous place five more times?"

"I…" I've already fucked up. Pausing and stumbling on words is a sign of weakness. "I want to live there permanently."

His eyes are as big as saucers. "You what?" His loud tone is followed by a screeching sound.

"I'm in love with a human and I want to be with him."

My father flexes his neck and the veins bulge in his face. "You can't be. That's preposterous. Demons don't belong with humans. Our worlds should never mix that way."

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I was never meant to follow in your footsteps."

"No. You weren't. Ever since you were born, all you've been is a disappointment. I won't have you embarrass me more than you already have. You are staying here, training to be a guard, and marrying Dakini." Guarding the gates of hell is a job they give you when they don’t feel you're capable of anything else or have no idea where to put you. My brother and I can’t both take my father’s place as Lucifer’s enforcer. I’m always going to be second place in my father’s eyes. The inconvenience. The one who should have never been.

Anger boils inside me, heating the blood in my veins. "No. I won't be following any of your orders anymore. I'm done living the life you want for me."

He laughs, the sound eerie and unsettling. "Look at you, so brave and sure of yourself. You forget I'm older, more powerful, and am the one who gave you life. You will do what you're told or I'll send you to the pits until I feel it's time for you to come out."

"Do what you want. I'll never marry Dakini or stop trying to reach Albert. You can send me to the pits all you want. I'll never change my mind." Me being the nephew of Lucifer, I can't be kept down there forever, and the pain isn't as unbearable as it is to humans. Our skin is thick and made to withstand a lot. Not to mention I'm mostly made of fire on the inside.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I didn't come to ask for your permission or get your approval. I'm here to tell you I'm done living in your shadow and won't be coming back."

His smile stretches and he quickly gets to his feet, towering over me, the large black horns on his head twitching. "I didn't want it to come to this but the only way you'll ever learn is by suffering the greatest pain of all."

"Do your best. No matter what you do, I'll always heal and come back stronger."

"Not this time, son."

He snaps his fingers and a new hunger forms inside me. A craving for blood. And not just any kind of blood, but that of humans. No. He can’t. This fucking monster.

"You want your human so badly, you'll go through great lengths and torture. Let's see if he'll go through great lengths for you too."

"What do you mean? What have you done?"

"Nothing yet. Go to him. Show him your true form. Tell him the only way you'll survive in the human realm is by drinking his blood. That you can only stay with him as you are and will lose every power I've given you, including the ability to change form. You think what you two share is love. I'll prove otherwise when all he can see you as is a monster. A real living nightmare."

"You're insane. I won't do that," I spit out.

"It's the only way I'll let you walk out of here free to do what you choose."
