Page 22 of My Demon Rebound

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I roll the ring between my fingers. "But what if…" My words catch in my throat when I look up and my brother is gone. Fuck. Replaying everything he said to me in my head, I slide the ring on, pinching my skin a little. I toss the umbrella, scarf, sweater, and hat in the trash, leaving the glasses on.

If only there were demon handbooks on how to woo a human. It was easy with Albert because he would've pretended to want me back no matter what. Nothing I did could've ever been wrong. It can be now, when it's actually real. I can't mess up when it counts the most.

Rounding the building, my stomach knots when I no longer see him. He's gone. Great. A red and white shirt flashes in a store window and my heart shoots up my throat when the man I'm looking for glances my way. He offers me a friendly smile that has my stomach doing a somersault before he turns in the other direction.

Looking both ways, I run across the street and enter the small shop. Shelves of books are in every direction I turn. It's a bookstore. Real books do still exist, and my mate reads those too.

My mate.

It really is him. He's meant to be mine and I'm going to do everything to convince him he is.



"What are you reading?" A deep, familiar voice has me looking up from the book in my hands. The man’s bright eyes cause my heart to pound faster. I've never seen him before but I feel like we know each other from somewhere. Maybe he was at the cafe earlier or one of the shops I stopped in.

"I…" Tongue-tied, I look at the book and back at him. He's shorter than me, slender with pale skin and beautiful grayish-blue eyes. Those eyes. Where have I seen them before? His brown hair is slightly parted to the side and he's dressed like a school teacher, wearing shoes that look like something my grandpa would wear. It doesn't take away from how striking he is though.

His warm fingers sweep over mine as he closes the book enough to see the front. "Ah. So you like thrillers too. I don't think I've read this one before. Must be new."

"Yeah," I finally say. "It came out a few weeks ago I think and thrillers are usually my go-to." I tuck the book under my arm and glance around. Where did he come from? Why did he approach me of all people?

"Thrillers are always a good book choice. Romance is too." He leans in closer, his warm breath trailing over my neck as he reaches for something on the other side of me. "This is a good one too. A classic."

Staring at the book in his hand, I nod. "Agatha Christie is a great author. I have lots of her stuff on my Kindle."

His brows pinch together. "Do you own any real books?"

Laughing, I nod. "Some. Not any of hers though."

He looks between me and the book. "Then today we'll have to change that. This one will be on me." He smiles and for a second or two I forget how to breathe.

"You don't have to do that."

He waves his hand. "No, but I want to, and everyone should have at least one Agatha Christie book on their shelf."

"Is this what you do in your free time? Walk into bookshops and buy strangers books they don't own?"

His lips wrinkle, his blue eyes sparkling. "Nope. This is my first time. I'd also like to buy you a dessert at the bakery across the way if you let me. Then you can tell me what other books you wish you owned."

"Are you planning to buy them all for me or something?"

He cocks his head. "If that's what you want." He's coming on a little strong but instead of going in the other direction like I should, I step closer, inhaling his smoky scent that reminds me of the demon waiting for me back at the house. Wait. No. That's impossible. Rory said he was stuck in demon form. Unless… No. This guy looks way too human. The clothes are an odd choice though.

"If you'd like. So what do you say we get out of here and go share a chocolate cake?"

"What makes you assume I like chocolate?"

"Are you saying you don't?" He quirks a brow.

"No, but I do prefer cheesecake if I have to choose."

"Cheesecake it is then."

I need to get back to the house. I told Rory I wouldn't take long. If I go sit down at a bakery with the guy standing in front of me, I'll surely lose track of time, but a strong urge inside me is begging me to say yes.

"I guess I can for a little while. I do have somewhere to be though, so I can't stay too long."
