Page 4 of My Demon Rebound

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Slipping out of his grasp, I rush to the other side of the room, shaking my finger at him when he starts chasing me in circles. "You saw me yesterday, you big lug."

"This is a new day."

"Yes, and you'll see me in thirty minutes too," I say pointedly.

"That's too long."

Rolling my eyes, I rush toward the door and open it, nudging my head toward the short hallway. "Go. Now."

"Or what? You won't marry me?"

"No. Or I'll force you to sleep alone on our wedding night," I deadpan.

"Yeah, you say that now. Just wait until you get cold and the blankets aren't enough to keep you warm."

"I'll use extra blankets."

"Still won't be as thick as me." He winks.

"Oh my God, Theon," a high-pitched voice comes from nearby. "What are you doing? You trying to end your marriage before it begins? Get out of here and let your husband-to-be finish getting ready," my maid of honor, Tiffany, yells.

"Yeah, yeah." He waves his hand in the air. "See you soon," he says, wearing a giant smile before he turns to leave.

"And you." Tiffany turns her attention back to me. "Let's fix that tie and hair of yours."

Laughing, I follow her back to the mirror and she helps fix the mess I created around my neck before running her gelled fingers through my hair. "There." She smiles, holding my face between both hands. "All ready to get married."

"Thanks, Tiff. I'm going to use the little boy's room and then I'll meet you out there with everyone else."

"Okay. Try not to be late to your own wedding."

I roll my eyes. "Says the woman forcing me to take longer than I'm trying to."

"Yeah, yeah. The two of you really are a match made in heaven." She flicks her wrist while exiting the room.

Once I'm done using the restroom, I check my hair and straighten my tie before rushing toward the ceremony room. Music plays and I take a deep breath, about to enter the double doors when a hand grabs my arm, holding me in place. "I wouldn't walk through there yet if I were you," my brother, Charlie, whispers in my ear. "At least not until we find your husband-to-be."

"What do you mean?"

"He isn't in there yet. I was going to check his dressing room but his cousin Joardie stopped me and said he'll be there soon. Just had a little too much to drink last night and can't handle his breakfast this morning."

"Oh no. But I saw him not long ago and he was fine." My stomach tightens with worry.

"Yeah, I don't know. That shit sneaks up on you sometimes." Charlie shrugs.

"I should go make sure he's okay."

"What about your whole bad luck theory?" Charlie tilts his head.

"He already saw me so I'm not sure it matters now. He doesn't believe in superstitions anyway."

"Not sure anyone from this generation does, aside from you that is."

Huffing, I smack my brother in the chest with the back of my hand as I slowly turn around. "Whatever. Tell everyone we'll be along shortly."

"Will do." The doors behind me open and close as I rush toward Theon's dressing room. I hope he isn't too sick to his stomach. What if he's passed out on the bathroom floor? The bad luck has seemed to start already. It hasn't even been an hour since he's seen me. Sighing, I slowly twist the knob and the door softly creaks open. My eyes dart toward the open bathroom before falling to the two partly naked bodies rocking together on the red velvet couch. Black jackets hang from their bodies and their white shirts are rumpled, pants rolled down to their ankles. Heavy breathing and loud moans fill the room. Frozen and confused, I can't stop watching the scene unfold in front of me. Not wanting to believe what my instincts are telling me and what all the clear evidence suggests, I hold onto hope of Theon walking out of the bathroom.Please come out.

The two men are so lost in one another. Nothing else exists but them. They are each other's world. The wild passion and pleasure they share is something to admire. It’s how I want to look from an outside view when I'm lying naked on the beach with Theon.
