Page 58 of Oblivious

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My heart breaks. “Good riddance then. Unfortunately we won't be able to make sense of this for him overnight. It'll take time, and at least we know he's safe now.”

“Y'all are lying. Eddie would never do that. He loves me. Where is he?” Ethan’s voice shakes and he fights against Tyson’s hold.

“I can't. It's too much right now. I thought I could handle it but I can't.” Phillip rushes off to the bedroom.

Sighing, I grab a syringe from the kitchen drawer and hand it to Tyson. “He'll be better off sleeping right now. We'll call a doctor tomorrow. We'll figure it out. He just needs to be calm or he'll cause more harm to himself and Phillip.”

Tyson wraps his fingers around the syringe and I leave the room before he can pierce the needle into the boy's neck. I hate we have to take this route but it's the best I can do for now. Eddie is all he knew these last five years. It's going to take way longer than a night to see him for the monster he was.

The bedroom is dark when I enter and the only light comes from the bathroom. Phillip has his eyes closed under the water, his body trembling. I take off my clothes and step in behind him, the blood washing off into the drain. I wrap my arms around him and he clings to me. “I should have gotten to him sooner.”

“You didn't know, baby. Neither of us did. We can't go back in time but we can move forward. We'll do whatever it takes for him to be okay again, I promise. For you both to be okay.”

“I love you. I know it sounds crazy and too soon but I do.” He rubs his face in my neck, digging his nails into my back.

“And I have no doubt I'm falling for you, and I'm done stopping myself.”

He looks up at me, his eyes red and skin flushed, and I kiss his lips, stroking his cheek. “Ready for bed? I'll let you sleep on my side tonight.”

“Okay. You might want to wash the blood out of your hair first.” Laughter erupts between us and he shoves his fingers between my strands. “Bloody Tuesday won't become a thing, will it?”

“I guess we'll have to wait until next week to see, won't we.”

Smiling, he sucks in a breath. “I can't wait.”

He's right, if he’d told me before who he was I would have never allowed myself to look at him twice, and I would've missed so much. Being with him doesn't mean I don't love Lucian anymore. I do and always will. I won't pretend to know how he'd feel or that we'd have his blessing. What I do know is, he'd want us both to be happy, and I think being where I'm at now is the only way I ever can be again.



He came for me. I didn't think he would but he did. I haven't asked how he found me yet and I really don't care. All I care about is sitting on his lap on the porch swing while we wait for a doctor Zacharias sent to finish looking over my brother. The front door squeaks open and the doctor frowns. “I wish I had better news but your brother is convinced he's never met you before and doesn't believe he has amnesia. I told him he's showing all the clear signs but he isn't hearing it. I had his medical files faxed to me and showing him those didn't help much either. He thinks it's a scheme and that we're trying to trick him.”

“What do you propose?” I rise from Antonio's lap, tugging at the bottom of my shirt, and he holds my hand, knowing I still need him touching me in some way. When I get restless inside I have to move around. I like how he's always willing to move with me.

The doctor rubs beneath his glasses. “Honestly, time. Time is what he needs, and therapy if you can convince him to go. I do think there are ways you can help bring his memory back. Images, videos, items he once owned, or even shared experiences.”

“I don't know if he'll listen.”

Sighing, he shoves his hands in his pockets. “Then you'll have to keep trying until he does. Your brother has a long road ahead of him and no matter which course you choose, helping him heal from all this won't be easy. We're talking years of manipulation and unresolved trauma. His mind was in a very fragile state and Eddie took advantage of that.”

“Yeah. I know Eddie’s dead but I feel like it'll never be enough.” Antonio squeezes my hand to remind me of his presence.

“And it won't right now but hopefully someday it will be. I also brought some meds for you. The nurse at the warehouse said you were taking medicine before, and it's a good idea for you to be back on it.” He hands me two pill bottles and I shove them in my pocket.

“Yeah okay. Thanks, doc.”

“Sure. Good luck with everything.” He takes money from Antonio and hurries down the porch steps. He drives away and Ethan storms out of the house, rushing toward the road.

“Where are you going?”

“Back to the life I knew. To where Eddie would want me.”

“But…” My words trail off when Antonio stands up beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist. “I know it's hard but you have to let him go. Forcing him to be here won't help him be your brother again.”

He's right, I know he is. It's just so damn hard to not run after him. All this time I thought he was dead, and him leaving makes me feel like I'm losing him all over again.

“How do I help him remember if I let him go?”
