Page 7 of Oblivious

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“My men have been keeping an eye on the roads, and two vehicles have been driving in circles. Like they're waiting. Someone got word you were coming. You must stay here until morning and you won't be going the way you came. Definitely not in the same car.”

“How would they know? Hardly anyone was informed of our visit.”

Angel shrugs. “You might have a rat somewhere.”

“How do I know you aren't lying?”

“You don't. As I told Zacharias, you can take my word or not. Go ahead and drive to the airport if you want. See what happens.”

My chest is on the verge of explosion and breathing causes the pressure to increase.

“Is he going to be okay?” another man asks, and I'm not sure who since the whole room is out of focus.

Antonio looks at me and nods. He's the only face I can make out. “We'll stay. Show us our room so I can calm him down.”

Angel laughs. “Santiago will show you while I check on a few things. I have to figure out the best way to get you out of here tomorrow without causing too much attention. We've already had too many messes to clean up this month as it is. I would rather not be held responsible for someone else's.”

He eyes Santiago, making a hand gesture I struggle to follow, and Santiago points to the back of the house. “This way. There's a guest room up the stairs you both can stay in.”

“My stuff is in the car.”

“You can get it when you leave tomorrow.” Angel's expression hardens. “I'll let you keep your one gun. Just remember we have a lot more.”

Antonio hooks his arm around mine. “Everything's okay. I won't let anything bad happen.”

“I won't let anything bad happen toyou,” is all I hear, and it helps me move my legs easier. By the time I know it we are on the second floor and walking inside a large room with a queen-sized bed.

“Is this the only room you have?” Antonio's eyes are uneasy and I'm back to panicking again. Did I ever fully stop? Me and Antonio in the same bed. What if I snore or talk in my sleep? What if—my thoughts are cut off with Santiago's next words.

“We would rather have you both in the same room. Easier to keep an eye on you.”

“Fine. Whatever. Can we have some time alone now? I can't leave my drug mule in distress.”

“Yeah, sure. Get some rest. You'll need it for the trip out of here.”

Santiago disappears behind the shut door and Antonio drags me to the bed, forcing me down with him when he sits. Our legs touch and he wraps his fingers around the back of my neck, applying the perfect amount of pressure. “Tell me what's wrong?”

“I don't want to die like Jamie. Nothing was supposed to go wrong during that deal either and it did anyway.” My breaths quicken as I picture Jamie's lifeless eyes. I can still hear the seller's laughter too. It visits me often in my dreams and when I'm alone in a room too long.

“You won't. This isn't the same deal, and you didn't have me with you before.”

He's right, I didn't. These men have done bad things but so has he. He's as lethal without his gun as he is with it. I watched him for a whole year before formulating a plan to get into his world. There was no situation too dangerous for him. Nothing he wasn'table to get out of. It's what made him one of the men Enrico and Zacharias relied on the most.

“We were supposed to be in and out today. It's never a good sign when a deal takes longer than it needs to.”

“That's not always the case. Not every situation is comparable and you aren't in there alone with Jamie this time. You are here with me, and I promise you we are leaving this house tomorrow.” He grabs hold of my face, forcing me to meet his eyes, our noses nearly touching. “You hear me?”

“Yeah.” I suck in a breath.

“Repeat the last thing I said.”

“We're getting out of here tomorrow.” My voice cracks and I claw at my knees.

“Let's try something. Look around the room and tell me three objects you see.”

Doing as he says, I call out the first three things I notice. “TV, black vase, and a painting of a sunset.”

“Good.” He takes my hand in his, rubbing over the inside of my palm with his thumb. “Now what do you hear?”
