Page 32 of Preacher

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“It’s been bruised since the day after my surgery,” he told her, trying to ignore how much he liked the feel of her hands on his skin. How much he liked the smell of her hair. That the color of her eyes was his new favorite color.

Riley moved back, letting Preacher pull his shirt down. “We’ll keep an eye on it, and if it doesn’t go away, we’ll let the doctor know.”

Preacher held out his hand for her to give him the remote. When she just stared at it, he snapped his fingers. “Remote.”

“Don’t you snap those sexy fingers at me, mister.” Riley smirked, handing him the remote. “No more groaning or we won’t be having ice cream later.” Glancing back at him, she saw Preacher button his lip and tried not to laugh. The guy was too cute.Trouble . . . he was trouble.


After three weeks of being stuck in his house, except to go to doctor appointments, Preacher was sick of it. He’d done everything short of begging Riley to take him anywhere.

He was surprised when she finally agreed. Now that he was riding shotgun in her hot rod, Preacher was rethinking his decision. With every curve, he held his breath. The pain wasn’t horrible, but it didn’t tickle either.

Glancing over at Riley when they hit the straightaway, he noticed how completely focused she was on her driving. He wondered what it was like to watch her race. As he got lost in thought, a shrill sound brought him around.

“Shit,” Riley mumbled over the sound of the engine as she slowed down.

Preacher looked in the side mirror and saw a cop car racing up behind them. “You know if you keep going, you could lose them,” he suggested.

“I could, but unfortunately, the cops around here know my car.” Slowing down, she eased into the first pull-off she came to. Turning the car off, she flipped the visor down and pulled her license and paperwork from it.

“Follow my lead,” Preacher said as he gripped his stomach.

“Riley,” Officer Wright said through the open window.

Preacher groaned loudly, bringing Riley’s attention to him. “Um . . . Officer Wright, could you get us to the hospital, please?” She watched the officer lean down and look at Preacher.

“What’s going on, Riley?”

“Preacher was stabbed and had a risky surgery a few weeks back. He’s having a lot of pain, and I was trying to get him to the hospital.”

“The clinic’s closer. Will that work?”

Riley saw Preacher nod and told Officer Wright it would.She was going to jail.She started the car as the cop ran back to his cruiser. When he went past them, she pulled out, sticking to the cruiser closely. “You realize we’re gonna go to jail.”

“No, we won’t.” Preacher chuckled as he texted someone on his phone.

Five minutes later, Riley flew into the clinic’s parking lot. Slamming the car into park, she shut the engine off then jumped out, rushing around to help Preacher get out. Before she could say a word, Officer Wright was right there, helping her get Preacher inside.

A pretty blonde met them at the door with a worried look on her face. She addressed Preacher by name and realized they knew one another.Probably a girlfriend.“He’s having pain in a surgery site,” Riley told the nurse.

“Bring him in and follow me.”

Riley gave up trying to help and let Officer Wright, who was equal in size to Preacher, help him into a room. Once Preacher was on an exam table, the officer asked Riley to step out into the hallway.

“Preacher, I’ll be right outside.” She watched him nod and closed the door.

“If he’s acting, I’ll take both of you to jail.”

Before Riley could speak, a guy she recognized from the bar came strutting down the hallway. “Riley, how bad is Preacher?”

“He’s complaining of pain in the surgery site.”

Bishop stuck his hand out toward the cop. “Officer Wright, thank you for getting them here quickly. We owe you.”

Neither Riley nor Officer Wright got a word in before Bishop sailed into the room and closed the door. “Riley, you need to slow down in the curves before you hurt yourself,” Officer Wright said.

“In my defense, I was trying to get someone to the hospital.”
