Page 41 of Preacher

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“Be right back.”

When Frisco walked behind the counter, Riley leaned forward. “I didn’t know Wrench’s old lady was a waitress.”

“She’s not. She’s actually the cook,” Preacher said, reaching for Riley’s hand.

“Then why is she waiting on us?” Riley asked him. When Preacher smiled, pointing to himself, Riley balled up the napkin and threw it at him. “The ladies just love you.”

He laughed. “Yeah, they do.”

Preacher saw Riley look toward the doorway. Before he could turn his head, he heard a familiar voice. “Preacher?” At the sound of his name, his fist balled on the table.

“Jack,” he said in a clipped tone. The last person he expected to see in Lampsing was his ex-girlfriend. “What are you doing in town?”

“I’m heading back to Reno and stopped to grab something to eat,” she said.

Preacher wasn’t in the mood for Jack to be popping back up. Everything about her being there had him on alert. “I’m surprised you’re back in Lampsing.”

“Could I join you? I hate eating alone.” Jack smiled at Preacher.Surely, he wouldn’t say no, she thought.

Preacher looked at Jack as he pointed to Riley. “Can’t you see I’m with someone?”

“Do you mind if I join y’all?” Jack thickened her Southern accent as she looked at the blonde. Preacher’s new friend looked like she needed a girls’ shopping trip.

Riley leaned back against the booth’s leather seat as Preacher tightened his grip on her hand. “That’s up to Preacher.”

“See, your friend doesn’t mind,” Jack said, trying to get Preacher to let her sit down with him.

“I do. There’s no reason for you to sit with us. There’s no reason for you to be back in town.” Preacher was cut off by Frisco, who forced Jack to step back as she set down their coffee cups.

“What would you guys like to eat?” she asked.

“I’ve lost my appetite, Frisco.” Preacher knew he sounded harsh, but he was done, and the last thing he wanted was Jack to come back into his life and mess things up between him and Riley.

“Not me. I’ll take today’s breakfast special.” Riley smirked, making sure Jack saw her expression.

“I’ll give you a call another time, Preacher,” the brunette said in a huffed tone.

Preacher looked over at Jack aggravated. “Jack, we don’t have anything to talk about.”

“I guess not.”

Riley watched Jack walk back toward the door and excused herself to the ladies’ room. Slipping into the kitchen, she found Frisco prepping food. “Is there a back door that leads to the street?” she asked in a rush.

Frisco pointed to the back door, and Riley thanked her and took off out the door. She made it around the building in time to see Jack walking up to a storefront. The brunette tried the door. She even tried using a set of keys to gain access. When she failed, she stomped her foot like a spoiled child and went back to her car.

“Interesting,” Riley mumbled. She’d find out what the store was and why she was interested in it. She was also going to find out who Jack was to Preacher. Turning around when the Camaro took off, Riley walked back into the kitchen. She thanked Frisco and then went back to Preacher.

“Where’d you go? I was getting worried,” Preacher said as she slid into the booth.

“I started feeling nauseous,” she lied with a straight face.

“Do we need to leave?” Riley heard the concern in Preacher’s voice and reassured him she was fine.

“No. I think I’m just hungry. It happens sometimes.”

“Are you sure?” Preacher took Riley’s hand in his again.

“Yes. Now, tell me who the tart was.” Riley chuckled at Preacher’s expression.
