Page 13 of Pretty Evil

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She pulls back and studies me with an interested expression.

“Me?” I shrug. “What you see is what you get.”

“I doubt it.”

She runs her red painted fingernail down my chest and whispers, “There must be a reason why you seek sex with strangers. The forbidden, the unobtainable, and the desire to take what you want. What are you missing in your life that makes you so reckless?”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath because the hell I’m unlocking any of my secrets to her. I feel her thumb pressing against my lips and her soft breath in my ear as she whispers, “What are you hiding from, Alexei? Why aren’t you living a conventional life and take risks with your safety?”

I open my eyes to find her staring into them and I say huskily, “Because when you have everything that money can buy, you move onto what it can’t. That is more valuable to me. Not having control over something is a hunger inside me that I feed off, but is never sated. I love the risks involved, the sense of the unknown and the euphoria when I get what I want. Then it ceases to be important anymore and I move on to the next challenge. It’s an addiction that will never be conquered. I am my own worst enemy and only I can defeat the monster in me.”

“Do you want to?”

She raises her eyes and I shake my head and chuckle. “Not right now. I am having too much fun to even try.”

She laughs out loud, and I stare at a beauty I certainly wasn’t expecting, and it strikes me that I have never met a woman like Serena before. One that is both beautiful and intelligent, with a wild spirit to match my own. She really couldn’t give a fuck and that is a quality I admire in any man or woman.

This could be a memorable trip and maybe, just maybe, I will ask for an extension of our time together, despite what I said.



Ireally like Alexei Romanov. He is the first man I have ever opened up to like this and I suppose it’s because for the first time I am free of my family. There are no guards listening to report back to my grandfather. I can say anything I like, and he knows shit about my life. I feel liberated, and it’s a powerful emotion to deal with.

Iwantto be ruined by him. I doubt he will break me. That’s been done countless times and the fragile pieces are glued back together with wisdom and a desire not to let it happen again. I’m in no doubt at all that hecouldbreak me but only if I let him. That is why twenty-three hours is all this will be. Long enough to make a fantastic memory and short enough to do minimum damage. It’s perfect.

As I sit on his lap, I have an incredible urge to touch him. Just seeing his hard, toned body is a serious aphrodisiac and the dark, flashing eyes that strip my breath from inside me leave me panting for more of his dark attention.

I slide my fingers through his hair and love how he stares at me with a thousand promises of what he will do to me. This is what I want–what I need, and I thank God he was a passenger on my flight.

“So, what happens now?”

I whisper against his lips, and he says huskily, “We continue the tour.”

“Of course.”

I slide off his lap and stand, his hand entwined in mine as we head back the way we came.

This timewe reach a movie theater and I gaze around with delight at the luxurious couches set in front of a huge screen, the red walls padded, and the lighting subdued.

As I settle into one of the couches, I stretch out with contentment.

“This is paradise. You certainly know how to travel in style, Alexei.”

He drops down beside me and then rolls on top of me, pinning me to the couch as he kicks my legs apart.

“This is a perfect room for more than just watching movies.” He says huskily and I gasp as his lips press against my neck and he bites down softly.

“It is.”

I shiver as his rough hand inches under my hoody and slides across my skin like pebbles on sand. My whole body is standing to attention, desperate for more, and I groan as he presses soft kisses on my neck and cups my breast in his hand, flicking my nipple, causing delicious shivers to pass through my body.

I am panting with lust as he presses in harder, his huge erection straining against the silk of his pants and I moan as he rubs it against the thin fabric separating us and he whispers, “What will it be, tiger? Is this the right place?”


I gasp as a huge bolt of longing shoots through me, and he says softly, “Then we should move on to the next location.”
