Page 47 of Pretty Evil

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Ihate leaving my family, but mom insisted. My father’s funeral was yesterday, and I’m still reeling from the effects of it. As expected, it was a large gathering and was executed in the usual Romanov way. Organized with a meticulous attention to detail that was the result of a well-oiled machine.

We had some tests run on the body through a private channel and are waiting for the results of that. Mom never found out because we kept her from visiting my father’s coffin while they were carried out. The results will take a week and will go straight to Artem as the head of the family.

If my father was murdered, we will soon know and take the necessary steps taken to bring about justice for our family.

Mikhail will be accompanying me to Australia. Mom insisted we carry on with business because it was what our father would have wanted. Artem and Ana are remaining with her, and Valentin is returning to Europe and Arman is heading to America. We will come together forty days after his death to remember him with a lavish dinner. Until then, it is business as usual.

My journey is very different this time, as Mikhail occupies most of my time by talking business while I tattoo our father’s name above his heart. I’m surprised there is any room for more because he is completely covered across his torso and arms, his back and shoulders not quite so decorated.

“I’ve checked the schedule.” He says with a growl as the needle digs a little deeper.

“The crew leave in two days for home. We don’t have long.”

I agreed to accompany Mikhail when he questions Regina. We need to discover who her target is and will deal with the result of that accordingly.

“This woman.” Mikhail says gruffly.


“You like her?”

“Not you as well.” I roll my eyes. “Mom can’t stop talking about her and it’s obviously rubbed off on you. I gave her a ride, and I didn’t know who she was until we took off. It made it interesting.”

I grin, remembering the last tattoo I inked.

“The Vieris are a powerful family.” Mikhail reminds me and I shrug.

“Then we have something in common.”

I stare at him with interest. “What about you? Are you any closer to making mama’s dreams come true?”

“Of course not. I’m not interested in one woman. Too much trouble.”

“I agree.”

I dismiss my growing feelings for Serena because I’m not ready to admit them even to myself, and I change the subject rapidly.

“What are your plans after Australia?”

I’m curious because Mikhail is a closed book even to family, and he shrugs. “I have some business in America. There is a group threatening the oil refinery. Some green activists who are about to learn they don’t always get their own way.”

I laugh softly because I can just imagine the shock on their faces when my brother and his men head their way. I’m guessing they won’t be protesting much longer, and our business can carry on operating without any unwelcome distractions.

As soon as the tattoo is done, Mikhail heads off to eat and I decide to freshen up and then prep for my meeting with Stoner and if I discover he is responsible for the hit on Serena, he will learn how ruthless I can be.

* * *

We landin the evening and Mikhail jumps into the car with me and the rest head off to the family property in Sydney. We own houses around the world with the latest security measures in place and rooms to accommodate our staff and guests. We live a life of great riches and our sole aim in it is to make more. However, I am fast realizing there are some riches you can’t buy with money and for a man who usually gets what he wants, it’s a hard pill to swallow.

We head to the Regency hotel where the airline staff stays on their stopover and rather than head through the main entrance, the driver takes us via the underground car park.

We already obtained the security code to enter, and as we step into the elevator, I set my mood accordingly.

Mikhail, as always, appears ready to take on a small army and yet our victim is one fragile woman who uses that as her strength.
