Page 68 of Pretty Evil

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Here, in my family penthouse in her hometown, is where I will claim Serena Vieri as my woman. Stolen from under her family’s noses and brought in line to walk by my side. I was lying when I told her she had a choice. She doesn’t because if she decides to walk away from me, I have Plan B already prepared.

I am a man of business and have already drawn up the contract. If Serena decides she will not come willingly, then her grandfather will be presented with an offer he would be a fool to refuse. Either way, I am not leaving Serena behind when my jet takes off and she will soon learn that Alexei Romanov doesn’t take no for an answer.

“Alexei.” Her soft gasp tells me she’s close and I whisper, “Come for me, little one, don’t hold back.”

I stare in awe as she explodes inside, loving her heightened color and the way her eyes roll back in her head. This is the most amazing wonder I have ever seen. She is beautiful all the time, but now she is incandescent. I have never met a woman so powerful, so beautiful, and it’s as if God made her purely to ruin me. I can’t stop staring as she comes apart under me and it causes me to push harder and faster, happy to overstay my welcome inside this place of paradise.

My cock throbs and my heart beats faster as I explode inside a woman who happened into my life by mistake. A chance encounter that has changed my life and as I empty my seed inside her, it’s as if there is no end to it. The waves of ecstasy just keep on coming and I have never felt such sadness at having to pull out before. I want to stay, to know that she is mine and, more than anything, know she is safe.



Nothing prepared me for that. My whole body is throbbing with delight, desire, and hope. That is the one emotion I am holding onto because Alexei has offered me something I never believed was mine to grasp with both hands. Can I leave with him? In my mind I already know the answer to that, but I want to try at least. To fight for something I want more than anything, and so as I hold him tightly, my head resting against his ripped chest, I vow to use every trick in the book to make it happen.

As we lie together on the couch, the fire warming our bodies with its wicked heat, I savor the moment when everything I want in life is holding me so fiercely in his arms.

He sits up and pulls me beside him, his fingers filtering through my hair as he whispers, “Say yes, Serena. Make it happen.”

“I will do everything I can, Alexei, but we both know it’s not really up to me.”

He obviously doesn’t like my answer and growls, “I will not walk away from this–from you. We have started something that is surprising but inevitable, and I won’t let your family stand in the way of that.”

“You may not be given a choice. Remember who you are dealing with.” I say miserably and then, with a sigh, I gaze up at him and whisper, “I must go. Connor is waiting downstairs and I have already taken a chance being here at all.”

He sighs heavily. “My car will arrive at your home at ten pm tomorrow night. You have until then to pack your bags and say your goodbyes and I will meet with your grandfather and assure him of your safety. One word from you and I will make it happen, Serena.”

He shifts so his lips are against mine and he whispers, “I will give you the world, little one. Just say it’s what you want, and I’ll make it happen.”

My heart is beating so fast it’s the loudest sound in the room as I gaze into his glittering eyes and whisper, “I want it too, Alexei. I want you.”

His lips crush against mine and his tongue forces its way inside, gripping mine in a show of passion that heats my blood. I can’t walk away from him. I must try my best because I have never met a man like Alexei Romanov, and I already know I can’t watch him leave.

As we kiss, I am desperate to cling to this moment. Almost as if it’s the most important one in my life, but then my phone vibrates on the table where I left it, and reality comes crashing back to bite.

I tear myself away and say sorrowfully, “That will be Connor. Our time is up.”

“Make him wait.” Alexei growls and I shake my head sadly. “If I’m not home at the agreed time, my grandfather will send a small army to find me. They won’t ask questions either. I will be dragged back and any argument I make to leave with you will not be looked upon kindly.”

I touch his face gently and whisper, “Let me handle my family, Alexei. I am the only one who can. I must leave in order to stay.”

He nods, the resignation in his eyes hard to witness and he says gruffly, “Okay. We have no choice, but tomorrow will be a day of goodbyes. It’s up to you to determine who.”

As I slip away from him and reach for my clothes, it’s with a heavy heart. I want to leave with him so badly, but this will be a fight I’m not assured of winning.

Mafia is a way of life we are born into. As a woman in that world, I am to marry well to strengthen our power. To form an alliance between families, or to remain in my family and devote my life to it. Not travel the world as a rich man’s plaything. I’m in no doubt that’s what Alexei means. He has offered me nothing more than the trip of a lifetime. No assurances of happily ever after, just one wild, wicked adventure, that I’m almost positive my grandfather will turn down with a resounding ‘go to hell.’

Alexei dresses and accompanies me downstairs to the underground car park where Connor is waiting. A strange mood has settled between us, and I hate it. It’s almost as if we are both preparing ourselves for goodbye, and I detest every minute of it.

Connor is standing by the car with his usual menacing glower, and I sigh inside. Fuck my life and yet I really can’t imagine it any other way.

As I settle inside the car, Alexei leans in and whispers, “Tomorrow night, Serena.”

He slams the door behind him, and it may as well have had my heart in the way, because the pain inside me is almost too much to bear. That may be the last time I see Alexei Romanov and that is a very bitter pill to swallow.


