Page 9 of Pretty Evil

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As I step inside, I love the dark charcoal walls and gray silk that awaits me. Subdued lighting illuminates only the parts I want it to and the wood paneling that is painted a similar color affords a masculinity that settles my soul.

I head to the silver tray set on the table and grip the bottle of vodka in one hand and take a huge mouthful, swilling it around my mouth, savoring the bite and then swallowing it, loving the burn as it coats me inside.

I tear off my clothes and move to the walk-in shower and stand under the powerful jets as they soak away my weariness. Seeing Regina has unsettled me. I live with constant threats to my life, but I never expected one from her. She has been a guest of mine on several occasions, and I feel betrayed somehow. If I was her intended target, I am pissed because it means she has no loyalty to me at all, even though I have paid her many times over for her business and fucked her for fun. Fucking women. They always betray you in the end when somebody with more money and prospects comes knocking.

I towel off and stare at my reflection with a sense of growing anger. Women! They will be my ruin because I couldn’t keep away if I tried. Just the fact there’s one already waiting for me who took zero persuasion to bring her here affords me a hatred for the easy way they spread their legs and take what they can. I have never met a woman who doesn’t want what I can offer them, and it appears my little heiress is no exception.

I pull on my silk pants and leave my chest bare and as I run my fingers through my wet hair, I set my mind to bastard. She will provide entertainment for a few hours and then she can sleep the rest of the way to Australia before I set her free to ruin another man’s soul.

I wonder if she knows what I am capable of. I’m guessing she hasn’t got a fucking clue, otherwise she wouldn’t be here now. That thought alone makes me smile and as I set off to find my little tiger, I am preparing to rip out her claws—one by one.



As soon as he leaves, I waste no time in surveying my surroundings. It’s a pretty room, no doubt to delight his usual guests, and it is impressive. I’ll give him that. I stare at the bed with derision, picturing the multiple occupants that have undoubtedly been here before me. I already realize Alexei is a player. He gets his kicks from wild adventure and I kind of admire that about him. However, it’s his recklessness that causes me to view him in an entirely different way and I wonder if he has ever faced a challenge quite like me before.

I doubt it. Men like him prefer their women willing, compliant and gullible. Vacuous blondes, pretty brunettes and seductive women with dark hair and soulful eyes. I’m guessing he has enjoyed a cornucopia of women in the past and I would be a fool not to enjoy his attention to pass the time. However, first we need to set a few ground rules in place and if he doesn’t agree, it’s game over already.

I drop my holdall onto the bed and unzip it, smiling as I picture the one I brought through security safely back in the car where it came from.

As I pull out the revolver, I make certain it’s loaded and then find my lipstick and sweep it generously across my fading lips. I am now armed with more than just a weapon because I hide behind my war paint in fear of being exposed. I let nobody in for a very good reason. They want the mafia princess, not the woman.

I lean back against the pillows and contemplate my life. I have never known any different. Guarded, cosseted and loved too hard. Any guys I dated never make it back for a second one. My brothers are snarling guard dogs who adopt a zero-tolerance policy where I am concerned.

The odd guard I seduced couldn’t cope with the pressure, and my sexual education has been severely neglected. The only fun I ever had was when I managed to dodge the guards on a night out and lure an unsuspecting guy into my web. I am so desperate to discover what everyone but me knows it seems, which is why I seized my chance when Alexei offered it to me.

I’m aware of what he wants. It’s obvious and I wouldn’t be here now if he didn’t believe I was a sure thing. Men like him disgust me, but it’s a man like him I need right now. But first I have my rules that he would be a fool to refuse.

The gun is underneath the pillow, and my mind is set. When he returns, I will offer him a choice and it will be interesting to see how he reacts to that.

* * *

An hour later,as promised, the door opens without even a knock, and I stare at him as he enters. He is naked from the waist up, his huge chest inked, his abs dancing before my lustful eyes. The silk pants hang low on his hips, offering me a tantalizing glimpse of what he can offer me, and his dark eyes find mine and glitter with depravity, causing me to whisper huskily, “You like to make a statement.”

“Is that what you think?”

He prowls into the room like a black panther, and I sense my claws sharpening as he advances.

“I thought you would have settled in by now.”

He casts his lustful gaze over my body, still dressed in my black leggings and hoody, and I shrug.

“I have. Thank you for asking.”

He stares at me with a hard expression and says roughly, “We both know why I asked you to travel with me. I’m guessing you’re a little nervous about that.”

“You think I’m nervous?”

I laugh out loud. “You don’t intimidate me, Alexei. Yes. In answer to your question, I know exactly why you invited me to travel with you. I’m curious though.”

“About what?” He sits on the edge of the bed, and I shrug. “How were you going to play it on board the commercial jet? I am intrigued.”

“It’s easy.” He smirks. “I always travel on airlines with privacy screens. This airline does it well and the seats are more like rooms. I intended on slipping inside your ‘room’ when the lights were dimmed and fastening the do not disturb sign on the door. We would enjoy our own private party, and I’m guessing you would have loved every minute of it.”

“That’s an arrogant statement to make, Alexei.”

I shake my head. “I’m disappointed in you.”
