Page 23 of Born Evil

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“I ordered. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Yes, actually, I do.” I glare at him. “I might not like what you ordered, and you will have wasted your money.”

“You’ll like it.”

“How do you know? You never even asked if I had any allergies. I could die from your arrogance.”

I’m mesmerized when a small chuckle escapes him, and I stare in astonishment. Wow, Troy Remington is fucking gorgeous when he smiles, and I’m taken aback a little.

“You will love what I ordered.” He raises his eyes and stares at me with an expression that penetrates my soul.

“You have no food intolerances. I checked.”

“How did you check?”

I’m a little disturbed by this conversation, and he shrugs. “I have my ways.”

I am silently fuming because this conversation is going downhill fast. Then I almost jump out of my skin when his hand shoots out and grasps my wrist and as he pulls me toward him our eyes meet across the table as he stares deep into mine.

“I told you, Laura, I leave nothing to chance. I know your medical history, your grades at school and your daily routine. You don’t have a boyfriend since the guy you were lusting after chose another girl over you.”

My eyes fill with tears because that is a low blow even for him and he carries on relentlessly.

“You left college with only a handful of qualifications and took the first job you were offered at a pet emporium. You lived at home until you were offered this position when you rented a condo on the outskirts of the city. You have no hobbies to speak of and just enjoy nights out with your friends, but as you’re a lightweight, you leave around twelve like Cinderella and always head home on your own.”

“Youarea stalker.” I hiss, so angry I almost can’t breathe and I’m shocked when his thumb caresses my wrist and he stares deep into my eyes and whispers huskily, “You are the perfect canvas on which to create a masterpiece. You will be my most magnificent work and I will enjoy watching you transform. My sad little project who holds so many possibilities and I will build you up to rival the most glorious of socialites. You will be my finest work because, as I said before, I demand the best and expect perfection.”

Why can’t I concentrate on anything except the way his touch is searing through my blood like a virus? I am under his spell because I can’t look away and my heart is racing and my head spinning as he whispers, “Let me make a woman of you, Laura Kincaid. Put your trust in me and you will never look back.”

For a second, he stares into my eyes as if hypnotizing me and I try so hard to look away, but I can’t. My heart thumps and my head is spinning, but I finally manage to say shakily, “I’m sorry that I called you a stalker, sir.”

His lips twitch as I whisper, “I should rephrase my assumption because now I know you are insane. Just my luck. An insane stalker who looks like a god.” I shake my head and say miserably, “Fuck my life. I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

He drops my wrist as the waiter heads back with the wine and I have never been so happy to see alcohol in my life. I sure need to fuzzy up my brain right now because it has severely let me down—again.



Suddenly, everything has changed. Just from being in her company for a few hours, I now have an unhealthy interest in my new assistant. I am intrigued by her naivety and tempted by her innocence. She speaks without consideration and fires back hard when she’s offended. She is a wild, untamed beauty that causes the beast inside me to sharpen his claws.

I wasn’t kidding when I told her she was a project. I’m just annoyed I didn’t think of it sooner. She is a shit assistant, but she would make a fine companion, of that I’m certain.

As we eat, the idea begins to take shape in my mind as I picture the project moving in a different direction. She is exactly what I have been searching for. Someone to mold to my requirements. A woman to shape and bend to my specification, much like my car. She will be the perfect accessory on my arm at the tireless functions I attend, unlike the usual socialites and models that usually occupy that space.

She is a real woman, not a contrived one and now I am excited for a very different reason. Laura Kincaid will be my revenge in a far more interesting way. I will make her fall in love with me before I ruin her life along with her family’s. She willbe the perfect revenge for my father’s death and the best way to ensure the Vieris have no place in my respectable world.

We finish our meal in silence. My mind is now occupied firmly on my new project and how to achieve the best results. Laura is concentrating hard too, and I wonder what’s running through her mind.

She fidgets a little and is picking at her food and after a while, I say with a sigh, “Is the food not to your liking?”

I doubt that because the cuisine here is impeccable, but she is moving the wild mushroom and truffle risotto around her plate as if it’s toxic.

She jumps and stares at me guiltily before saying in a low whisper, “If you must know, I’m uncomfortable.”

“In what way?” I’m surprised because it certainly can’t be the chair she is sitting on.

“It’s this place.” She hisses, her face turning red as she speaks.
