Page 25 of Born Evil

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“Whoa!” A deep voice makes me glance up and my heart drops when I stare into two familiar eyes that destroy me in seconds.

“Well, what do we have here? Laura! What are the chances?”

I am speechless when I see Oscar Callahan, my college crush, standing before me in his full glory. It doesn’t escape my attention that his arms are still holding mine and I blush profusely as he says happily, “Fancy running into you. You’re looking good.”

“Um…” I can’t even speak because this man has always scrambled my brain, and it appears that nothing has changed, and he laughs softly. “I don’t suppose you have time for a coffee. It would be good to catch up.”

Coffee. With Oscar Callahan! All my dreams are coming true, and I nod, trying to feign indifference but failing miserably.

“Sure, um, great.”

I babble like an idiot, and he points behind me. “There’s a coffee shop over the road. Come on, my treat.”

He holds onto my arm as if he’s a cop and I’m a thief and manhandles me across the road and into the steamy establishment that appears so welcoming I could cry. It’s seriously bitter cold out there and the warm, cozy place is giving off comforting vibes that are most welcome.

Oscar says loudly, “Grab that table over there. I’ll fetch us those coffees.”

As I scramble for the vacant seats, I can’t stop my heart beating frantically. I am about to share coffee with Oscar Callahan. My life is now complete.

I quickly glance at my reflection in the shop window and my heart sinks. I look terrible. My hair is messed up due to the hat I was wearing, and my make-up is long gone, revealing the ruddy complexion of a woman who thought she was done for the night.

I was heading home for a meal for one and a deep bath, followed by bed, although my guardian angel may have something to say about that.

I haven’t thought much about Adonis today. I’ve been too busy processing what he told me, but I vaguely remember he said we’d meet up tonight. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but now things have become even more interesting.

“Hey.” He drops into the seat opposite and hands me a steaming cup of what smells suspiciously like hot chocolate.

“Thanks.” I am shy around this man because I never did catch his eye, other than the odd hook up at his frat parties. To be labeled his girl was the honor and pleasure of the head cheerleader, Antigoni Matthews, and I still hate her to this day because she knew I liked him and made sure to rub my face in it every chance she got.

He smiles and I swear my heart flutters and I wonder what my friends would say if they could see me now. I’m almost tempted to snap a picture to send to them, but I’m trying desperately to play it cool.

He stares at me with a soft grin. “You’re looking good, babe. How long has it been now?”

Five hundred and sixty-four days and three hours, I’m guessing.

Luckily, my brain keeps that piece of degrading information to itself this time, and I shrug nonchalantly. “I’m not sure. So, what are you up to these days?”

Whoever this woman is sitting in my place, I like her. I almost believe she’s uninterested and I’m so letting her take charge tonight.

“I’m working at Orion press, training to be a sport’s reporter.”

He shrugs and I know why. He was tipped to be the next star of the NFL and I wonder what happened. This time mybrain does charge ahead, and I say aghast, “What happened? I thought…”

He points to his left foot. “I broke it skiing, and it was never the same again.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

How did I not learn he was injured? Some pretend girlfriend I turned out to be.

I sip my chocolate and it burns my lips and rather than make a fuss of it, I just set the cup down and say breathlessly, “Well, it’s good to see you and congratulations on the new job.”

“What about you?” His eyes dig deep into my soul, and I squirm in my seat. Where were all these hot guys when I was unpopular and nerdy? They are obviously like busses because after waiting what seems like a lifetime, three come along at once and I don’t know which one to board.

“I’m working as a personal assistant.” I say proudly, and his eyes widen. “Where?”

“Remington Industries.”

His eyes widen even further. “Wow, she shoots, she scores. Anyone interesting?”
