Page 33 of Born Evil

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The expression on Melissa’s face irritates the shit out of me as she hands me a suitably smart dress and comments, “This should work, but I doubt she wants my underwear. Perhaps she’s better off not wearing any, so you can do that desk thing she’s dreaming about.” She smirks, and I roll my eyes.

“It’s not like that. She is staff, nothing else.” I remind her and she giggles. “Let me have my fun, Troy. You should try it yourself sometimes.”

As I take the dress, I notice the light in her eyes, and I wonder about my sister. There is something, or someone, who is putting a smile on her face and it’s not anyone at home.

I’m curious but don’t have time to bring the subject up and I make a mental note to ask Max to find everything out for me. I am extremely protective of my sister, which is a problem for her because if I find she is seeing someone and I don’t approve, she willneversee him again.

It happened before when she formed an attachment to a guy who had a criminal record for fraud. I sent in my intimidation team, who made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Melissa wasbroken-hearted for about a month before she moved on to the next one.

It annoys me that her ‘type’ appears to be rough guys with muscles and attitude and no business sense at all and I wish she would gravitate toward respectable associates of mine who I have attempted to introduce her to. It’s as if Melissa prefers to live on the wild side of life and I’m already preparing myself for the latest addition to my pay-off spreadsheet.

As I head back to my room, I hope Laura is decent because the last thing I need is an awkward encounter with staff, however there’s the part of me that is more interested than I want it to be and the idea I had about making her my companion just won’t go away. She is a revenge plot; a weapon of mass destruction and she will be used to blackmail her family.

I must make her fall in love with me for it to work effectively and for a man who shies away from emotion. It’s more difficult that I believed possible.

I knock on my own bedroom door to warn her I’m coming and as I open it, my eyes drift immediately to the bed because just like Goldilocks, she is lying in it sleeping peacefully.

At first, I’m angry, but as I approach, I see her pretty face, relaxed for probably the first time since I’ve known her, and it makes me stop and stare.

Laura Kincaid is an extremely beautiful woman, and I doubt she even knows that. Her soft pink flesh looks smooth to the touch and her naturally red lips are settled in a soft smile. Her insanely long lashes flutter as she dreams, and a gentle laugh escapes her. That beautiful black hair is tousled and in need of a good brush, but it just adds to the appeal.

She is a wild woman, and her body is curvy but in all the right places. The dress she is wearing is doing a fine job of holding those curves and I drag my eyes down her body, lovingthe swell of her ass against the fabric and her long, slender legs, resplendent in pantyhose.

She is a tempting angel who has fallen into disgrace because she is in my bed, and I have an overwhelming urge to keep her there. I could stare at her all day but realize if she wakes, it will make me some kind of pervert just watching her, so I place Melissa’s dress on the chair nearby and do something that even shocks me as I drag the comforter up and around her body.

She shifts slightly and then snuggles in further and I have an overwhelming urge to touch her soft skin and kiss her. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, even with streaked make-up and severely crumpled clothes. Tarnished perfection, something I don’t tolerate, but in her it’s my guilty pleasure because she’s like a diamond in the rough and I’m the one who found her.

I make my decision as I stare at the woman sleeping so peacefully and I wonder what she would think if she knew what was coming.

I’m keeping her.

She belongs to me now and I will build her up before I knock her down and my weird fascination with her will have been satisfied before I move onto the next one.

Laura is a Vieri; I must never lose sight of that, but what better revenge for my father’s death than breaking the hearts of his enemies? By the time I’ve finished with her, she will hate her family, be their downfall, and give me intense pleasure while I watch them burn.

So, I back out of the room and close the door softly behind me. Laura can sleep off whatever reason made her stay up all night and I will deal with my own problems efficiently and without emotion for the good of my own family. They need me to be strong and if that means sending my mom for the help she badly needs, then I won’t hesitate to sign those papers to do it.

Laura will move in here and nothing will get in the way of my mission to avenge my father’s suicide.



My body is aching, but I’m so comfortable I don’t want to move. My limbs are heavy and it’s difficult to open my eyes. Reluctantly, I try and as they focus, it takes a moment to fully understand where I am. Then the dots connect in my brain, and I sit up with a start. “Fuck.”

I glance around me nervously, hoping like hell I only drifted off for a few seconds, but the darkening sky outside tells me I’ve been here for some time.

Why didn’t he wake me?

I am so mortified I could roast chestnuts on my face, and I jump from the bed in the desperate hope there is an escape pod waiting to fly me to the moon.

What must Troy think of me?

I stumble into the bathroom and stare at a woman who not only looks messed up but has messed up—big time.
