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“I don't want him to go to jail! How will we go to his castle?” Casey asks.

Marabella looks at Kyan and I can see the fear in her eyes. “He won't go to jail, he hasn't done anything wrong,” Jonah tells Casey.

“That's not what Lucas said. He said in his first life he cursed…” Casey looks at Kyan. “You!” she points at Kyan.

“Me?” he asks, pointing to himself and Casey nods.

“Lucas said he was cursed to become the abomination he helped create, that was his punishment from the fates,” Casey says, mispronouncing abomination.

“Casey, did Lucas ever mention anyone by the name of Hades?” Kyan asks her, and my heart races faster. She nods, leaning closer, and we all lean in too.

“HeISHades,” she whispers. “But he prefers Luca,” she whispers before holding her finger to her lips. Everyone's shock is evident when she continues. “When Kaif’s curse breaks, he was to return to the bloodline he cursed to set things right,” Casey states.

“Can I go play with Corina now? I brought an extra dolly,” Casey says.

Marabella nods her head, and Casey rushes off screaming out for Corina. We all stand in stunned silence when Dominic walks in, his arrival breaks the tense silence, but his confusion only amplifies our own.

“Mara, you're awake!” Dominic says, rushing over to hug her. She hugs him back, but her eyes are on Kyan. Dominic steps back, looking at everyone. “Did I miss something?” Dominic asks, and I can only stare.

Dominic looks around at all of our stunned faces. “Well now we know why we couldn't find Hades,” Eziah murmurs, looking at Kyan. Dominic's brows furrow and he looks at Marabella.

She shakes her head. “No! Casey must be wrong,” Marabella says in denial.

“Wrong about what?” Dominic asks, looking at his son. Everyone turns their attention to Kyan.

“She's not wrong, it makes sense why he can open the portal to the underworld,” Kyan says, seeming thoughtful.

“Ah, is someone going to tell me because you all suck at charades?” Dominic says. Kyan's gaze lifts to his father's.

“So, where is Hades?” Dominic asks.

“He's been here the entire time,” Jonah says, standing up. Dominic looks at him when Kyan speaks.

“Lucas doesn't have Hades’s magic like we thought,” he tells his father, who seems confused.

“Lucas IS Hades,” Kyan states, and Dominic staggers back in shock just as we hear footsteps rushing up the hall.

Lucas stops at the door, peering in. “Dad, can we have popcorn and watch the new Marvel movie?” Lucas asks, we all stare at him like he is an alien, but Jonah is quick to come out of his shock and recover.

“Yes,” he answers, and Lucas beams and is about to rush off. “Ah, Luca?” Jonah asks, using the name Casey just told us.

“Yeah, Dad?” Lucas says, coming back to look into the room, not seeming to notice his name change, or maybe he was just reflexively answering it as he returns.

“Ask Aunty Rose to make it, though. I don't want you to burn yourself,” Jonah tells him. Lucas nods and rushes off.

“My son is the King of the Underworld?” Marabella gasps, and we all look at her to see her eyes roll into her head as she faints.

“It appears so,” Kyan says, sitting beside her and brushing her hair from her face as he stares out the door.

“Hades is back?” Dominic gasps, and I hear Eziah suck in a breath.

The End.
