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Tension needled her arms. That was just the point. She wasn’t worthy, was she? If she had been, Anwar would never have thrown her out of his Kingdom in the first place. And now, he had suddenly decided she was worthy of being his wife. And yet he couldn’t stand to be in her company, she thought as he disappeared with his treasured falcon into his private cabin.

Now that Anwar was gone, she felt strangely empty. Could it be that despite the fact he had played her like just another casual encounter, she wanted his love more than she dared admit?

Don’t you dare, she vowed inwardly.Don’t you dare be so weak.Remember what’s at stake, she told herself firmly. Find a way to escape.

Lucy woke from a restless sleep just as the jet descended. Manhattan's concrete streets and harsh neon lights were replaced with a breathtaking oasis. Palm trees and exotic flowers swayed gently in the warm breeze. They had returned to a hidden paradise, untouched by the rest of the world.

They were met on the tarmac by a white limousine, which took them on the three-hour drive to Anwar's palace. As they drove past palm trees thick with succulent dates that lined the road, horror crashed through her chest. She was now a foreigner in a land beyond Western law's protection.

She never should have come. But what choice did Anwar give her?

“Will Hamad be here?” Lucy said to Anwar, glancing at the frowning sentries as they approached the entrance to the sprawling palatial estate overlooking the Arabian Sea.

“Recent events have curtailed Hamad’s travel,” Anwar said, subtly referencing the as-yet unsolved murder of a Western journalist still fresh on everyone’s minds.

Lucy shuddered. Many believed Hamad had ordered the hit upon the man critical of his grab for power. But no one could prove it.

“I have not seen my brother for some time. He has been hiding in his palace as though if he is out of sight, he will also be out of mind, and everyone will forget the crime.”

A whoosh of air escaped Lucy’s lips.

“I will not lie to you. In his eyes, you are a sworn enemy.”

“And in yours?”

Anwar shrugged. “There are things we have still not discussed.”

“Is that why you kidnapped me?”

“I have not kidnapped you. Consider yourself detained as my quest until the child is born.”

“Am I to be tried again for the crimes your cousin says I committed? The courts in the US and Britain ruled in my favor.”

“Colonial empiricists have no jurisdiction here,” he said fiercely.

“So you don’t believe me.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But that’s why you brought me back.”

“Not just that,” he said, his gaze drifting to her belly. “I am duty-bound.”

“Duty,” she spat. “Duty to force me to marry you. Duty to produce your heir. Duty to try me for a crime I did not commit. And then what? Lock me away as your father did to the princesses.”

“My father—” Anwar began. He pressed his lips firmly together. “Please, enjoy your return. Enjoy this moment. While you can.”

Anwar led Lucy through the opulent halls of his private estate, adorned with priceless works of art from every corner of the globe. Each room showcased a different era and genre. Despite her fear of the future, Lucy felt her heart swell with pride, knowing she had helped curate his collection. Every piece had been meticulously chosen to create an immersive experience. They were beautiful then and were beautiful now.More beautiful, she thought, enraptured by the enduring legacy she had helped create.

Zephyr, the falcon, followed them, perched on Anwar's gloved hand, his eyes scanning the surroundings with an unwavering focus. It was as if the bird possessed an innate ability to discern the true essence of the art, its wisdom transcending the limitations of human perception.

Anwar suddenly stopped. “There are no rules here, Lucy. You know that, don't you? There have never been any restrictions between us. I don't want to take your freedom."

"Then I'm free to leave as I please," she said, knowing as she spoke that was the one concession he would never allow until their son was born.

Lucy felt her heart race as he leaned forward, his cheek almost brushing hers. She could see the firm set of his mouth, the searing scrutiny of his gaze, the determined set to his jaw.

"You may do as you like while you are here. But you may not leave.”

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