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"With her ferocious beauty, breezy personality, and impressive artistic CV, it would’ve been easier to assume Lucy Ford had effortlessly made her way from obscurity, through the blinding lights of her sell-out exhibition in New York, to the present-day desert Kingdom of Avana, were it not for Anwar's endorsement," Maria said to the swelling crowd of exclusive attendees to her exhibition.

So far, so good, Lucy thought to herself. She had told Maria that she wanted to name the elephant in the room, the thought that may be impregnated in everyone’s minds. She wanted to call it as she thought it, leaving no room for doubt. And Maria had agreed.

"However, anyone who assumes that this artistic tour de force has got to where she has on the back of the Sheikh's favoritism is doing her a grave disservice. Lucy has proven herself to be a tour de force of talent and grit, carving a niche that is her's alone. She weaves tears into smiles, produces mighty artistic statement pieces from her lithe, petite stature, and combusts detail with every flourish of her emotion-laden brush. Moreover, rather than run away from her heritage, she embraces her past and is abundantly proud of her roots.”

Maria paused, reached for a glass of water, then took a slow, languid sip to add drama to her deliberate delay. “A fragmented family, parents who didn’t love or encourage her, narcissistic siblings—Lucy learned at an early age to be self-reliant.”

Lucy’s gaze drifted to the vast landscape she had painted running the length of the far wall.Love Remembered. Two words that healed her heart. Looking at the painting now, she thought how perfectly the name fitted. Anwar and she had never forgotten the love they once shared. Theirs was a love story of forgiveness and second chances.

Barely conscious of the crowd pressing around her, Lucy’s heart quickened as she scanned the sensuous soft horizon, the vast, limitless expanse poured on the canvas with waves of deep sapphire blue, ochre, and gold. Her gaze honed in on the silhouette of a man and woman carrying a child infused within a thousand grains of sand. Her breath caught in her throat. It was so beautiful, full of emotion, and symbolic of everything she felt. The artwork had flowed through her as though created by an invisible force.

Maria’s voice brought her back to the room. “‘I will never deny that having nothing made me fight harder,’ Lucy has said. “‘There were no gold-plated Lamborghinis parked in one of my gold-plated palaces, waiting to drive me to my gold-plated office. No permission to fail because Daddy guaranteed my fortune,’” she said, reading from the catalog.

A ripple of gentle laughter fluttered through the room. Through the sea of faces, Lucy noticed Anwar’s younger brother, Fazza, grinning at her reference to his beloved Lamborghini. Beside him, Hamad stood with his arm encircled around a beautiful young woman.

Lucy sighed with relief. She had heeded the courage to call it as it was; people liked her authenticity and respected her honesty. And she had found it in her heart to forgive those who had wronged her—as they had found it in their heart’s to forgive her.

It was a promising start.


The exhibition was a resounding success, attracting art enthusiasts worldwide. Critics praised the synergy between Lucy's evocative paintings and Sheikh Anwar's remarkable collection of emerging and established artists. Their partnership became the talk of the art world, an embodiment of passion, beauty, and creative synergy.

There were several highlights of the evening. To her amazement, Hamad used the event to publicly acknowledge how he had wronged Lucy and admitted his fault in purchasing the highly contentious paintingSalvator Mundi. The painting subsequently disappeared, and all plans to exhibit it were abandoned. Finally, Lucy was free of the stain that had smeared her name and reputation.

People were excited to learn of Lucy’s and Anwars’ ambitious project, theMaerid al’ahlam: The Gallery of Dreams.Collectors couldn’t wait to see what paintings were unveiled at the opening. Lucy and Anwar had decided it had to be a people’s choice, and she was excited to see whose painting would adorn the massive entrance wall.

Yet, amid the success and acclaim, Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. Zephyr, the falcon that had accompanied them on their journey back to love and reminded them of their shared extraordinary connection, had vanished without a trace. His absence left a void in her heart.

Months passed, and Lucy continued to immerse herself in the art world, collaborating with renowned artists as she curated the museum’s opening exhibition. Undoubtedly, Anwar and Lucy would challenge conventional boundaries and achieve their goal of uniting countries at war, but her thoughts often drifted to Zephyr. This falcon had guided her on this remarkable journey. During his absence, Anwar said very little, pouring his love and affection on their new bundle of joy, Princess Rabah. Along with Simba, the little lion she always carried, Anwar and she were inseparable.

It was on a relaxed autumn afternoon that fate intervened once again. As Lucy walked through the bustling local market, she caught sight of a familiar silhouette perched atop a vendor's cart. It was Zephyr, the fiercely protective and jealous pet falcon she had missed dearly.

With tears of joy streaming down her face, Lucy approached the vendor and pleaded for the falcon's return. The vendor, moved by her genuine emotion, agreed to part ways with Zephyr, recognizing their unbreakable bond.

“Anwar knows as well as I,” he said, “A bird must always be free. He belongs to no one, but to the person he has given his heart.”

Reunited with her feathered companion, Lucy felt a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that their journey together was far from over. With Zephyr by her side, she continued exploring the depths of artistic expression, seeking hidden treasures that could reshape perceptions and ignite the imagination. She embarked on a new collection of paintings, ‘Flight of Passion.’


“Nicky Pelli is one of the most innovative young jewelers in the world,” Hamad told Anwar as they entered her small studio. It was a bright, airy space filled with sketches, gemstones, and delicate pieces of jewelry adorning the walls and displays.

“There she is,” he said, pointing to Nicky, a passionate and creative jewelry designer in her early thirties, who stood before a small group of aspiring designers, eager to hear her story.

Anwar recognized her from Lucy’s exhibition. Clearly, she wasn’t a passing fling, he thought as he watched Hamad, whose gaze never left her face.

“Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you for joining me today in my humble jewelry studio. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to share with you why I became a jewelry designer and how one extraordinary woman, Elsa Peretti, inspired me on this journey.”

On her studio wall, Nicky gestured towards a framed photograph of Elsa Peretti, an iconic Italian jewelry designer. “Elsa Peretti is a name that resonates with elegance, innovation, and timeless beauty,“ Nicky said.

“Growing up, I was always drawn to art and fashion but never quite found my niche. It wasn't until I discovered Elsa's work that I felt a true connection to the world of jewelry design.”

Nicky walked over to her workbench, where she kept a collection of Elsa Peretti-inspired pieces. “Elsa Peretti's designs are not just stunning; they uniquely capture emotions and tell a story. Her minimalist approach and emphasis on organic forms fascinated me from the moment I saw her work. I was captivated by the way she blended simplicity and sophistication effortlessly.”

Nicky picked up a necklace adorned with a delicate silver heart pendant inspired by one of Elsa's famous creations. “This piece right here, inspired by Elsa's iconic Open Heart necklace, is a testament to her impact on my journey. It symbolizes love, vulnerability, and the power of connection. Through her designs, I discovered the true potential of jewelry—as not just an accessory but a means of self-expression and empowerment.”

With a gentle touch, Nicky placed the necklace back on the display. “Elsa Peretti's influence goes beyond her designs. She was a trailblazer, a visionary woman who challenged the norms of the industry. Her collaboration with Tiffany & Co. brought her work to a wider audience, allowing her designs to become timeless classics.”
