Page 6 of Emir

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“Give me a moment,” I whisper, my voice ragged from the pleasure. “I need to relish this.”

He pulls out slowly, watching me intently as he gathers himself. His eyes smolder with desire, his muscles tense beneath his smooth skin.

We lie there together, entwined, the afterglow washing over us. I run a finger down his scarred back, tracing the jagged line where a bullet skimmed past years ago—a testament to his power and resilience. He tightens at my touch, pulling me closer.

“Tell me you want more,” he whispers against my lips.

“I want more,” I murmur back.

He smiles, a wolfish smile that sends shivers along my spine.

“Good,” he says, kissing me passionately before rolling off me and standing up.

I watch as he puts on his tailored suit pants, his bulge testament to his desire for me even after he’s released. He walks over to his closet and pulls out a crisp white shirt, buttoning it up with practiced ease. I can’t help but feel a pang of longing to see him in one of those expensive suits, with the top buttons undone, revealing his powerful chest and defined abs.

Emir, the man who’s become my everything in the short time we’ve known each other, turns around to face me. His eyes are still smoldering, his hair tousled from our lovemaking. He looks like he belongs in this opulent penthouse in Sin-dicate Towers, his silver eyes taking in the breathtaking view of the city skyline from our bedroom window. It’s almost as if he were born for this life of power and luxury.

“I have a meeting in twenty,” he says, his voice low and raspy. “But I’ll be back to you.”

With that, he disappears into the bathroom, leaving me alone in the playground of our love. I can’t help but admire the taste of him on my lips, the scent of him lingering in the air. I stretch lazily, taking in the surrounding room – the high ceilings, the expensive furnishings, the priceless artwork on the walls. This is his world, and I’m just a visitor in it. Yet, somehow, it feels like home.

I get dressed quickly, eager to join him in his daily routine and experience more of this life that’s so vastly different from mine. As I step into the hallway, I hear the shower running, and my stomach flips again.

Their scent mixed with the steam fills the air, making me shiver with anticipation.

I walk towards the sound, my heart pounding in my chest, wondering what other surprises tonight might bring us.

I stand outside the bathroom for a moment, taking it all in - the sound of running water, the warm air, the anticipation building inside me. And then he steps out, a towel wrapped around his waist, his body glistening with water droplets. And My God, he’s even more handsome wet.

“Good morning,” he says, his voice rough with desire.

“Morning,” I whisper, unable to take my eyes off him.

He smirks, his silver eyes flashing with mischief, and pulls me close for a kiss that’s as hot as it is intense.

As we make our way downstairs, I can’t help but notice the security cameras installed throughout the penthouse. Emir’s always so careful, always so watchful. It’s both comforting and arousing to know he’s always got my back.

Every step we take together is analyzed, every move calculated.

At the breakfast table, we go over some business matters while discussing breakfast options—eggs Benedict or pancakes? We both choose pancakes with a side of bacon. His phone rings constantly, but he never misses a beat; his eyes flicker between me and the screen, listening intently. He’s the king of his empire, and yet he still finds time for us.

We chat idly while waiting for our food, our fingers brushing against each other under the tabletop, sending tingles up my spine.

Then, before I know it, he’s up and out of his seat, grabbing his robe to tie around his waist.

“I’ll be back,” he promises. “I need to make a few calls.”

His scent lingers in the air, a delicious mix of soap and man as he leaves the room.

I take a bite of my pancake and let out a satisfied moan—they’re fluffy and warm, just how I like them.

A few minutes later, he returns with a smirk, “All set?”

I stand up quickly, ready to follow him wherever he goes.

He leads me to the most exquisite room I’ve ever seen—a private cinema complete with plush seats and a popcorn machine. My heart races as he presses play on a movie, but not before pulling me into his arms for another intimate moment.

As we snuggle up together, I taste butter from my breakfast on his tongue when he whispers against my neck, “This isn’t how it usually goes down,” he chuckles softly, “but I can’t resist you.”
