Page 13 of Owned By My Husband

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I laugh, tracing idle patterns on his back. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. I’m tired of all the drama. It was time we grew up and learned how to get along.”

He lifts his head, peering down at me with mock surprise. “Who are you and what have you done with Aisha Ceesay?”

I swat his shoulder, giggling. “I’m serious! We wasted so much time pushing each other away when we could’ve been doing this all along.”

Cam’s eyes glow with heat and he pounces on me again.


My heart swells as I watch Aisha sleep beside me, her chest rising and falling with each breath. I still can’t believe this is real. That after all these years, she’s finally mine.

Mine. The word echoes in my head as I reach out to brush a stray curl behind her ear. Aisha stirs at my touch, her eyes fluttering open. For a second she looks confused, like she’s forgotten where she is. Then her gaze locks on mine, and her lips curve into a soft smile.

“Hey,” she murmurs.

“Hi, beautiful.” I run my fingers down her arm, thrilling at the feel of her smooth skin. “Sleep okay?”

“Mmm, perfect.” Aisha scoots closer, draping an arm across my chest. “You?”

“Best sleep of my life.” It’s the truth. Having Aisha back in my arms is all I need—but now guilt creeps in, reminding me she doesn’t remember how we got here. “Aisha, about earlier…”

She presses a finger to my lips. “Shh. I don’t want to talk about the past right now. I just want to enjoy us.”

I swallow hard, torn between doing the right thing and giving in to what we both so desperately want. “Baby, you gotta understand. The last thing I want is to take advantage—”

“Cameron Bates, will you stop talking and kiss me already?” Aisha demands.

And just like that, my good intentions go out the window. Groaning, I crush my mouth to hers and kiss her like there’s no tomorrow. We have so many lost moments to make up for. Aisha responds instantly, her tongue sliding against mine as her hands roam over my body.

By the time we come up for air, we’re both breathless. Aisha gazes up at me, desire darkening her pretty eyes to black. “I’m yours.”

Her words undo me. Growling, I roll on top of her and show Aisha exactly what it means to be mine.

* * *

Later, I wake up to sunlight filtering through the blinds, and Aisha curled up against my side. Memories come rushing back, and I can’t help but smile. Being with Aisha again felt so damn good—almost too good to be true.

But guilt starts creeping in again. What if she regrets this once her memory returns? I don’t know if I can handle having Aisha, only to lose her all over again.

Just then she stirs, blinking up at me with those deep brown eyes. A slow, sleepy smile spreads across her face. “Hey.”

“Hey, love,” I say, brushing a curl behind her ear. “How are you feeling?”

“Wonderful. Sore in all the right places.” Aisha stretches, the sheet slipping down to reveal her luscious body. Desire flares inside me. “You’re incredible.”

“Yeah?” I ask, hope flickering to life. “So you don’t regret it?”

She frowns. “Of course not. Why would I regret being with you?”

“It’s just…” I take a deep breath. “You have amnesia, Aisha. I don’t want to take advantage when you’re vulnerable.”

“Cam, I know you would never take advantage of me.” Aisha cups my face, her gaze intense. “I may not remember our history, but I know you. I feel it in my heart. Being with you feels right. And when my memory does come back, it’ll only confirm what I already know—that we belong together.”

My chest tightens at her words. This amazing woman. How did I get so lucky?

“I love you,” I blurt out, unable to contain the words a second longer. “Always have, always will.”

Aisha’s eyes shine. “I love you too, Cam. Even if I can’t remember how or when it started. We’ll get through this together.”
