Page 16 of Owned By My Husband

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I gasp. “I remember.”

Cam’s eyes widen. “You do?”

I nod, a tear sliding down my cheek. “You took me there for my birthday. We stayed in that little bungalow by the beach and didn’t leave for three days.” I laugh, the sound choked with emotion. “We were so sunburned we could barely move, but so happy we didn’t even care.”

A blinding smile spreads across Cam’s face. “You really remember.” Cam chuckles, kissing me tender and deep. When he pulls back, there’s a vulnerability in his expression that makes my heart clench. “Do you remember now? Us, I mean. Before the accident.”

“Not everything,” I admit. “But I remember enough. I remember you. Us. How we were meant to be.”

His voice trembles as he pulls me into his arms. “Thank God. I was so afraid I’d lost you forever.”

I cling to him, relishing the warmth and strength of his embrace. “You’ll never lose me. I love you, Cam, more than I ever thought I could.”

“And I love you, Aisha,” he whispers fiercely. “Always have, always will.”

Our lips meet, soft and sweet. In this moment, wrapped up in Cam, I know that my memory may have failed me, but my heart never did. And it led me right back to where I always belonged.

I melt into Cam as our kiss deepens. His tongue slips between my lips, igniting a burn that spreads through my body like wildfire.

My heart pounds against my ribs and warmth bubbles low in my belly. I shift closer, craving more contact, more of his touch. When his hands slide under my shirt to skim up my sides, I moan softly.

He swallows the sound, kissing me until I’m breathless. “I’ve missed this,” he murmurs against my lips. “Missed us.”

I trail my fingers down his chest, relishing the play of muscle under his shirt. “I’m sorry I put you through hell.”

Cam shakes his head. “Never.” His eyes darken as he gazes at me, raw hunger and love mingling in their depths.

My breath hitches and I fist my hands in his shirt, yanking him closer.

He smiles, slow and sinful, then kisses me again. I give myself over to the sweet slide of his lips on mine, the warmth of his body pressed to my own.

When his hands drift lower to cup my ass, heat explodes in my veins. I moan, rocking against him as arousal stirs between my thighs. Cam groans in response, his grip tightening on my hips.

“Bed,” he rasps, eyes burning with lust. “Now.”

I don’t need to be told twice.

Cam scoops me into his arms before I can protest, carrying me down the hall to our bedroom.

I press my mouth to his, pouring all the love and need inside me into our kiss. His tongue dances with mine, stoking the fire in my blood until I’m burning under his touch.

When Cam sets me on my feet, I cling to him, unwilling to break contact. He chuckles, a low rumble in his chest that echoes between my thighs.

“Easy, baby.” Cam cups my face in his large hands, gazing down at me with a tenderness that makes my heart ache. “Not going anywhere.”

The words break something loose inside me, and tears prick at the backs of my eyes. After what feels like years apart, so much pain between us, he’s still the one who can unravel me with a single look. The one who knows me, flaws and all, and loves me anyway.

“Cam,” I whisper, blinking back the sting in my eyes. I swallow hard, willing my voice not to shake. “I’m sorry for pushing you away. For not trusting you.”

He shakes his head, brushing his thumbs over my cheekbones. “Shh. That’s in the past now.” A gorgeous smile tugs at his lips. “But I won’t complain if you want to make it up to me.”

I laugh, the sound catching in my throat. Stretching up on my toes, I kiss him softly. “I love you.” The words come easier now, a relief after holding them inside for so long. “Always have, always will.”

