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“Wait,” I pipe up. “Who got poisoned?”

Who are these people? Two teachers and a vet, and they’re talking about poisoning?

“Oh, Max is Jessica’s Beagle,” Sarah explains. “She took him to my clinic with a bad case of poisoning a few months ago.”

“Someone poisoned your dog?” I ask.

“Yeah. It’s a long story,” Jessica says.

“It’s not that,” Tony says. As the three of us turn to stare at him, he adds, “I mean, I didn’t say ‘oh my god’ because you’re not popping out a baby yet . . .” He gestures with his chin at the doorway of the breakfast restaurant.

“What is it?” Jessica asks. Both she and Sarah have their backs to the doorway, and they twist to look backward at the same time.

“Wait. No. God. Don’t look at the same time,” Tony says urgently. “Jesus, you girls have no subtlety.”

Carefully, I lift my gaze up from the cool, white marble tabletop and almost have a heart attack when I see what—or who—Tony’s peeking at. “Oh my god.”

“What? What is is?” It’s Sarah’s turn to be curious.

“It’s the Hunter brothers,” I say, dropping my voice to a hushed whisper.

“You know them?” Tony asks with a hint of admiration. Apparently, just knowing the gorgeous men is enough to gain me some cool points.

“They were my neighbors, growing up. They lived right next door.” I glance in their general direction and count. One, two, three, four, and five. That means the twins are back in town, too.

“Hot damn.”

“If you guys don’t start telling me what’s going on, I swear I’m going to hurt someone,” Sarah says as she impatiently starts to look over her shoulder.

“No. Don’t. Oh god. They’re looking this way.” Tony picks up his coffee cup and gulps nervously. Looking at Sarah and Jessica, he says, “They’re the most gorgeous men I’ve seen in a long time. Except for Greg, of course. And the handsome motherfucker I see in the mirror every morning.”

My three breakfast companions continue to chatter, but I can’t hear them over the sound of blood rushing in my ears. Their voices blend with the conversations of other diners until they’re just noise.

As the boys scan the restaurant, my heart’s thumping so loud I wonder if someone could hear it.

Are they going to find me?

Are they even going to recognize me?

I’m pretty sure last night, they recognized my parents and not me. It was dark last night, too, so maybe they didn’t see me clearly.

If they’re going to notice anyone at the table, it’s going to be Jessica. This is one of the reasons why I probably shouldn’t hang out with the popular, pretty girls.

Luckily, they can only look at Jessica’s red waves from the back, and the one they know at this table is me.

Anxiety grips my heart as Mason’s gaze lands on me. Bright morning sunlight behind him forces me to squint as I take in his glowing form. Recognition quickly fills his green eyes, and his lips slowly curl up.

I nervously return his smile, painfully aware that my stomach is tied up in knots, and my panties are about to spontaneously combust.

He waves, and I wave back.

When the other brothers follow the direction of Mason’s gaze, Tony grips my thigh, hard.

“They’re looking at you, Ava. They’re looking at you. Oh god. They’re looking at you, aren’t they?”

“Jesus, Tone. Keep your cool,” Sarah says.

“I promise you, you’ll find it hard to keep your cool too if you see what I—” Tony doesn’t finish his sentence because he starts making a weird throaty noise with his mouth closed.

He grabs his coffee cup like it’s the cure for whatever’s ailing him. Holding the edge against his mouth to hide his lips, he squeaks, “They’re coming.”


“Hi, Ava,” Mason says as he approaches the table where the girl’s sitting.

And by “the girl,” I mean the cute little brunette with the shy smile. She’s even blushing as she says “hi” back to Mason.

I listen closely as they make small talk. Mason’s asking the girl for recommendations and she’s pointing to her half-eaten plate of what looks like a full English breakfast.

I like a girl with an appetite, but so far, I don’t see what’s so special about her.

But when Mason, Ollie, and even Liam beeline for the same girl, there’s no way I don’t take notice.

Out of the five of us, Noah and I share women most often. Don’t get me wrong, I love all my brothers, but Noah’s almost like a part of myself. We also spend a lot of time together because we co-manage the same department.

But also, there’s the twin thing.

Women tend to be more . . . open to new experiences when they realize Noah and I are likely offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We’re probably responsible for a lot of ticks on a lot of women’s bucket lists.
