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He seems surprised. “But Mason might need some help.”

I give him an unconvinced stare. “You really expect me to believe that?”

Nathan shrugs.

“You know you just want a fight, and Mason’s got this covered. Look at that guy. He’s got no aim. Mason’s going to make him cry uncle in no time.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s probably no fun to watch either,” Nathan says, casting one last glance at the fight. “Let’s go.”

Ava moans from the backseat. She’s right behind Nathan, who’s driving. This way, I can keep an eye on her.

She’s sitting upright with a seatbelt strapped tight across her chest, making each individual mound of soft flesh more prominent.

I like seeing her this vulnerable. It makes me want to scoop her up in my arms again.

She lets out another moan, which makes my dick stir in my pants. I have to remind myself she’s probably just dreaming and there’s nothing erotic about that moan.

As her eyelids flutter, I watch her closely in case she wakes up and freaks out.

Well . . . She wakes up, but she doesn’t freak out. Instead, she blinks a few times and look around, seemingly to assess the situation, then she calmly takes her seatbelt off.

“Ava, the car’s still moving. You should sit back and put your seatbelt back on.” Turning to Nathan, I tell him, “Slow down.”

When I twist to look at Ava again, suddenly her face is already inches in front of me.

She’s squeezing herself between the two front seats. She turns to look at Nathan, then she stares at me, then back at Nathan again.

“What’s going on?” Nathan asks.

“I have no idea.”

Ava’s eyes appear perfectly clear. She doesn’t seem confused or intoxicated.

“Noah,” she says as she stares at me with mesmerizing eyes.

How does she know I’m not Nathan? People confuse us all the time.

Ava puts one cold, delicate hand on my cheek, leans closer, and presses her lips against mine.

Before I recover from my surprise, Ava teases me with her soft lips. She’s gentle and tentative, but not shy. There’s an eagerness in her kiss, but also carefulness.

I kiss her back, of course. Ava feels nothing like the other girls Nathan and I have shared before. There’s so much honesty in her touch, so much feeling.

“Yo, what the fuck’s going on?” Nathan asks.

Hell if I know.

But hey, I’m not complaining.


I stretch in bed.

I feel good. The sun’s shining, the birds are chirping, and I have a date with not one, and not two, but five gorgeous men.

I can’t stop thinking about them. I’m so excited. It feels like the day before a school trip.

I even had a dream about the Hunters—well, two of them. The twins. Although in my dream I only kissed one of them.

The dream takes place in a car. Nathan’s driving, while Noah’s sitting beside him. I’m in the backseat.

Usually, my dirty dreams are a bit of a letdown. As soon as things get “good” (if you know what I mean), the dream ends.

Not long ago, I decided to go crazy in a dream if I’m somehow aware enough to know it’s a dream.

Sounds convoluted, I know. But apparently, some people are super into it. It even has a name: lucid dreaming.

Even though I’ve been reading up on it, I’ve never been able to make it happen . . . until now.

I smile as I remember the feeling of Noah’s firm lips on mine, drawing me closer and deeper into the kiss. He’s such a good kisser . . . in my dream, at least.

I don’t know how things will go today, but I’m happy enough to keep my dirty fantasies contained to the dream world. I mean, how likely is it that even one of the Hunter brothers actually want to kiss me?

That’s crazy. In the harsh light of day, it’s easy to see that. Despite what my friends and family say, I find it hard to believe they’re actually interested in me.

Still, that dream felt so real that even now, I feel like I can hear the twins’ voices. But that must be my mind playing tricks on me.

I’d better get ready before the Hunters pick me up.

But as I wander out of my room, the voices only grow stronger. And there are noises, too—pots and pans clanging together. A delicious aroma floats throughout the house, coming from the kitchen.

Has some homeless person broken into my home and raided my fridge?

I hold my phone in my hand and get ready to call 911.

“Ava,” says a masculine voice from down the hall, right before I enter the kitchen. He sounds familiar, but the suddenness of the greeting makes me jump in shock.

When I turn around, I find Noah staring at me.

He’s standing in my hallway, looking hot as hell in his jeans and striped button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
