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“I’ll think about it.” I nod at Liam.

Truthfully, I don’t know if I can do that to Joseph. I mean, he’s annoying, but maybe there’s no need to involve the police or the justice system. It’s not like he’s ever been violent against me.

Besides, that will attract too much attention from the town’s gossips, and my mom wouldn’t be happy about me being infamous for something like a bad break-up, especially when she’s still hoping I’ll get back together with Joseph.

She’d probably be like, “He was just trying to get back with you because he loves you. Silly girl, getting the police involved. How much longer are you going to punish him? Just take the man back already.”

Luckily, with the Hunter brothers all around me, it’s easy for me to forget about my mom.

After breakfast, we all file into Nathan’s Mercedes-Benz SUV. It appears different in the daylight, but . . . it also looks a lot like the car in my dream. Another confirmation that it wasn’t a dream.

It’s not like Nathan lets me forget it really happened, though. He keeps bringing it up at the most random times. For example, he tells the whole car a story and ends it with “I’m still not sure if it was real or if I was just lucid dreaming.”

At this point, Noah jumps in to try and steer the conversation in a different direction—by asking his brothers some random questions about work, for example, or asking me weird, pointless questions about the places we pass by.

“So after Mr. McTavish closed down his candy store, the shop got turned into a bookstore, and then a laundromat, and then a coffee shop. Wait. Or was it a laundromat first, and then a bookstore?”

At least to me, Noah’s tactic seems obvious so he’s just making me feel more awkward, although I know that’s the opposite of what he’s trying to do.

We stop in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art and go in as a group. Inside, though, the boys keep going missing.

At first, it’s Nathan and Noah. After they re-join the group, Mason grabs Nathan and they disappear. After that, it’s Ollie and Noah. Lastly, it’s Liam and Noah.

I know what they’re doing. Noah tells Nathan to stop bringing up the kiss, then the other brothers get curious and ask the twins about what happened last night.

At the end of the visit, when we scramble back into the car and I tell Nathan we’re going to the newly-renovated sports stadium next, I’m acutely aware of the fact that everyone knows I kissed Noah last night.

I wonder what they think of me. Do they think I like Noah and not the rest of them now? Do they think I was a . . . slut for doing that?

I shake my head and try to remember Jessica’s words. Slut-shamers are just jealous, small, judgmental people.

None of the brothers mention the kiss, but I can see from their secret little smiles that they know I want them—or, at least, one of them.

As the day progresses, it becomes even more apparent that they know how I feel about them.

It starts from little tentative touches. A pat on the back that lingers a second too long from Ollie. A stroke of my hair from Liam. An arm around my shoulders from Mason. Two sets of arms curled around my waist from both sides of me—the twins, of course.

Every little touch that each of the brothers makes, I accept and respond in kind. I can’t help it. They’re so warm, kind, protective, and strong. They’re so different from Joseph they could be a different species altogether.

By the time we finish dinner at my favorite burger place, all the brothers are comfortable slinging their arms around my shoulders and waist, playing with my hair, and caressing my face. I always seem to have at least two of them touching me.

At the end of the day, after we’ve seen all the sights Ashbourne has to offer, we go back to my house and bring out the wines.

We all sit around the coffee table, with me and the twins on one sofa and the other brothers on another long sofa. As Mason, Liam, and Ollie carry on a conversation, the twins inch closer until they’re pressing up against me.

“You’re so sexy, Ava,” Noah whispers in my ear. His breath tickles me, but in a way that causes tingles in my pussy. He grabs my chin and turns me to face him, then leans in to claim my lips. His kiss is gentle and sweet. I still remember these lips from my “dream.”

Meanwhile, on my other side, Nathan trails kisses down my throat and bites down hungrily, making me gasp into his twin brother’s mouth, who just continues to kiss me.

Oh god, I’m making out with two guys at once—two guys who are brothers. Twin brothers. And their three other brothers are watching us.
