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I turn my attention back to my phone. The next few messages from Joseph were sent a couple of hours after those initial ones, and they have a completely different tone.

Joseph: I spent so much money on you

Joseph: I really love you and you’re just throwing everything away

Joseph: Didn’t I give you enough?

Joseph: What about the $3k I spent on that dress you liked so much?

Joseph: Or the $1.5k shoes you wore to meet my parents?

Joseph: I can’t believe I thought you were the one

Joseph: You’re nothing but a gold digger

Anger boils within me, making me shake like I’m about to erupt. But there’s an entire class of sophomores in front of me right now, and they’re quietly working on a test. A meltdown is not a good idea right now.

As their teacher, I’m supposed to be a good role model. A good role model doesn’t slam her desk and yell about what an asshole her ex-boyfriend is.

I probably shouldn’t be a teacher in the first place, but this is not the time to think about that. I don’t have any brain power left to worry about my career path.

My wrath flows down my arms and into my fingers. My thumbs are frozen over the phone screen, ready to deny the accusations that have been leveled against me.

I mean, what kind of a gold digger never asks for anything? I clearly remember telling Joseph those gifts were too expensive and I didn’t need them, but he didn’t listen. He said he was making good money and he wanted to spend it on me.

I start to type.

Ava: If I knew those gifts came with strings, I would’ve

Would’ve what? Thrown them in his face? Burned them to a crisp?

My thumbs hover over the keyboard on the little screen. As I consider my options, I scan the classroom full of young, impressionable minds.

Maybe I should strive to be a better person. I have a shiny, new job. It’s the perfect time to reinvent myself.

Also, it’s probably not a good idea to let myself be dragged into an argument. I shouldn’t stoop down to Joseph’s level.

Rise above, I tell myself.

I decide on a shorter, less angry message.

Ava: I’ll pay you back.

I don’t normally put a period at the end of my text message. I know it’s a small, passive-aggressive gesture Joseph will probably miss, but it feels good to type it out and send it.

That little dot also helps me stop myself from sending another message—something immature like “screw you.”

But this is enough, for now.


“Have a good weekend, Miss G,” a blonde girl says, grinning at me as she slings a backpack over one shoulder and exits the classroom.

“You guys have a good weekend, too.” I grab the stack of test papers and square them up against the wooden surface of my big desk, making loud tapping sounds.

“Got a hot date tonight, Miss G?” asks Ryan, a cheeky male student who’s asked me out twice already.

“Yep,” I say.

Technically, I do have something to do tonight. I’m having dinner downtown with my parents. That counts, right?

Okay, maybe not. But I’m not about to admit my lame plan to Ryan, especially when it looks like he’d be eager to rectify the situation.

My life’s not perfect, but I don’t think being imprisoned for inappropriate behavior with one of my students is going to improve it.

“Oh man, I thought you broke up with your boyfriend,” he says.

“Yeah, well, that doesn’t mean I’m going to be sitting at home eating ice cream all weekend. My life’s brimming with excitement.”

“Okay. I’ll try my luck with Miss L.” He laughs and shrugs as he walks away to meet his friends outside, who are waiting to give him consolatory pats on the back..

“Miss Lake?” I ask.

Jessica Lake has stunning red hair, full lips, and big doe eyes. I’m almost flattered that this boy is picking me over her, but then I realize how pathetic it is to get excited about that.

“Yeah,” Ryan says, stopping in his tracks and looking back over his shoulder. “Wait a minute. Are you changing your mind, Miss G?”

“No,” I say, laughing.

“Oh, too bad. There’s this article online that says a girl’s more likely to go out with you if you make her jealous,” Ryan says.

“Yeah, the people who write those articles, they have no idea how to get girls either. They just pretend they do so they can sell advertising space.”


“And not to burst your bubble, but I doubt you’ll get a different answer from Miss Lake,” I say as I put the stack of test papers into my bag. “I mean, have you seen her boyfriend? Tough competition.”

As the group of boys at the doorway laugh, Ryan goes, “Well, can’t hurt to try.”

“Good luck. Let me know how it goes.” I give him a grin.

These kids are alright, I think to myself as I hear their footsteps going down the hallway outside.
