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As these thoughts swim around in the fog of my mind, I realize I have enough things to worry about, without also having to see Joseph in person.

I’ve been filled with so much dread at the thought of it. I’ve been having nightmares—like wake-up-in-cold-sweat-in-the-middle-of-the-night kind of nightmares.

Luckily, I always have at least one of the Hunters in bed with me now. At least, I’m not alone, and I have someone to cuddle with (although we often do more than that) so I can fall back to sleep.

“Okay,” I tell them. And suddenly, tension I didn’t even realize I had just vaporizes from my body, leaving me with lightness.

I can deal with the money thing later. For now, I’m just glad I don’t have to see Joseph in court.

I don’t know why I ever thought I’d be able to relax while a hearing is being held where people are literally discussing whether I should give all my money to my ex and eat ramen for the rest of the year.

I mean, this spa looks expensive. How much does this cost? And for four people? I’m probably about to go broke. I shouldn’t be going around having luxurious Swedish massages.

Besides, it feels like my masseuse is just pressing random areas of my body. But maybe I’m just spoiled because Ollie’s so much better at giving a massage than this woman.

“Excuse me,” I say when I see my phone screen light up on an adjacent table.

“Please don’t use a cell phone during a massage,” the masseuse says.

“This could be important.” I reach over to get the phone, expecting to see “Liam” on the screen.

But it’s not him.

I wouldn’t expect this caller to ever call me, especially at this hour, after school . . . but I have to pick it up.

“Sorry,” I say to the masseuse, who shrugs and walks out of the room. I tap on the green Accept Call button once I’m alone. “Hello.”

“Hi, Miss Green. How are you?”

“Hi, Principal Morgan. I’m good, thanks for asking. How are you?” I ask, my heart rate picking up as anxiety grips my heart.

“I’m good, Miss Green. Thank you.” There’s hesitation in his short pause. Then, he says, “This is difficult for me to say, but I feel I must tell you. There’s a handful of parents who’ve been making complaints about you.”

My stomach sinks. “What are the complaints about?”

“Apparently, some students heard you having an . . . argument with a man after school the other day, and some inappropriate words were exchanged.”

“Principal Morgan, I’m so sorry about that. I want you to know that I didn’t invite that man to the school grounds. I didn’t expect to see him there.”

“I understand,” Principal Morgan says sagely. He’s a calm, old man who’s probably seen so much disturbing stuff that little everyday things don’t bother him anymore. “I explained to these parents that we didn’t know all the details and should reserve judgment.”

“Thank you for doing that.”

“Don’t mention it. Personally, I think they were being too harsh and hasty. After I told them that, they started bringing up issues concerning your personal life.”

I frown. Yeah, this is not the kind of problem a Swedish massage can make me forget.

“Issues like what?” I ask.

“These parents are concerned about the people you spend time with,” Principal Morgan says diplomatically. Surely, he means rumors are already spreading about me and the gang bangs I’m having with the five Hunter brothers.

“Are you concerned about it, too, Principal Morgan?” I ask directly. I’m getting tired of all these dances people do around me to keep me from the truth.

“No,” he says, to my surprise. “What my staff members do with their own personal time is none of my business. And Miss Green, I honestly think they’re being too nosy about something that should be part of your private life.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“Now, the reason I’m calling is . . . I feel like you should know that these parents, they just told me they’re going to bring this up to the superintendent. And based on what I know about his personality . . . Miss Green, I’m saying this as a friend. If you have other opportunities, pursue them now.”

I can’t believe this. My hands are shaking.

“Are you saying . . .” I clear my throat. There’s a lump there that just won’t go down. “You’re saying I might get fired over this?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” Principal Morgan starts to explain how the rules could be interpreted as saying that a teacher’s personal life, even if it doesn’t affect her performance at work, could result in disciplinary action.

I stop listening to Principal Morgan’s lengthy explanation halfway through. A million thoughts rush through my mind.

God. As if things weren’t bad enough as they are.

Now I’m about to lose Joseph’s lawsuit, and I’m also about to get fired.
