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Both Jessica and Sarah turn to look at Tony in shock.

“What? We weren’t supposed to talk about that?” Tony asks innocently. “I’m sure Ava wants to hear about the dumpster fire that Joseph’s life has turned into.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of ‘dumpster fire.’” To be honest, I haven’t even thought about Joseph in months.

As soon as I moved to San Francisco, there was nothing left in my daily life to remind me of him. Besides, the Hunters have filled up my life so completely that I don’t really have much space left for anything else—much less Joseph.

“Okay, so,” Tony drops his voice to a conspiratorial tone, “you know how everyone in town knows what he did to you and how nobody wants to use him as their lawyer anymore because he’s scum?”


“Well, finally, the law firm he worked at realized he was a liability,” Tony says, emphasizing the past tense as he raises his eyebrows. “So they fired him.”

“Oh. Wow,” I say, taken aback. I should get more details. The Hunters will definitely want to hear this, especially the twins. I can already see Nathan gloating at dinner, happy with how well his plan’s worked so far. “You really think it has something to do with the lawsuit?”

“Of course.”



Unanimous. Looks like Joseph’s really unpopular in Ashbourne now.

“He used to drive some fancy car, right, Ava?” Jessica asks.


“We saw him driving some junk, scrapyard car yesterday.” Tony laughs maniacally.

“Probably spent too much on credit, and now he can’t make the monthly payments,” Sarah says.

The door to my office opens and the twins enter. Grinning with a mischievous glint in their eyes, they pull out the chairs across the desk from me and sit down.

“Hey, I’ll call you guys again another time, okay?” I ask distractedly, my attention absorbed by the gorgeous twins stripping me naked with their eyes. “I have a meeting to go to.”

“Right. ‘Meeting.’” Tony draws air quotes with his fingers.

I laugh. “Talk to you guys later.”

“Send us pictures when you travel, Ava. We like to travel vicariously through you,” Sarah says.

“Yeah. I like those bikini pictures you sent us last month,” Jessica says. “I’m so jelly of your curves. You’re so cute and petite, too.”

“I can totally see why five smoking-hot men wouldn’t be able to take their hands off you,” Sarah adds.

My face heats up with embarrassment as “smoking-hot” Nathan and Noah grin even wider.

“You know what, guys? I really need to go right now.” I give them a quick smile, and before they can say anything else, I end the call. “Bye! Love you!”

I tap the red End Call button and turn my attention to the boys.

“How can I help you today?” I flash them my sweetest customer-service smile to hide my embarrassment.

I’m getting better at that lately because I spend so much time dealing with important clients and customers. I need to look poised and put together.

Still, nothing can crack my cool exterior like the Hunters can.

“We have a lot of things to celebrate today, Miss Green,” Nathan says as he spreads his arms and leans back in his comfortable leather chair with the gorgeous gold accents—I picked all the furniture in my new office myself.

“That’s right. I believe we have some wild plans for tonight,” Noah says.

The corners of my lips pull up into a smile. “We definitely do.”

Even though we closed on our apartment and got the keys last month, it was only yesterday that we finally moved the last box into the apartment.

My things are relatively easy because I haven’t been here long, and I don’t have much stuff. But packing up everything in five different primary residences and moving multiple truckfuls of boxes into one apartment takes time, especially when all of us work our asses off at the office most days.

Even with the help of moving crews, it’s taken us all month. Meanwhile, the rents on all five of the Hunters’ apartments still need to be paid—not to mention the penalties they have to pay for breaking their leases early.

The Hunters don’t care about those extra expenses because it’s not much money for them. To be honest, with what I’m making right now, it’s not a lot for me either, but I can’t stand to just watch the waste happen.

That’s why I’d set yesterday as the last day for moving, knowing fixed deadlines were a great tool for motivating the Hunters.

By some coincidence, my makeover of this new office was finally complete yesterday.

Now, this is a cozy, elegant place for both difficult business partners and priority customers to chat with me. I think the serene blue-and-green color theme will work great for calming people down.

On top of that, Ollie and I will be taking a vacation in a few days. We’ll be spending about two weeks in India and Tibet, and I’m super excited to go.
