Page 12 of Lethal

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“Some of them are the vampire royals who used to live here.”

“Wait, vampires exist too? You didn’t mention them before.”

Cooper’s expression changes. The corners of his mouth turn down, and shadows fill his eyes. “There used to be. But they broke off from the other auras. They wanted more power. To cut a long story short, there was a war. The other circles wiped them out, including the ruling family, theDraculs.And, well, we moved into their castle.”

“That’s kinda harsh.”

He shrugs. “We live in a harsh world, Kira.”

It’s the first time Cooper’s sounded less than positive. And then I remember that these families go back generations. I don’t know how long ago it occurred, but it’s possible he lost relatives in that war.

“How are you with steps?” he asks. “Because there are a few throughout Dracul Castle. It takes a bit of getting used to.” He lifts one of the suitcases from the floor. “Octavia’s rooms are in the tower, I’m afraid.”

I look up at the winding staircase and groan. But dutifully, I grip hold of my other suitcase and follow Cooper upflight after flight after flight. By the time we reach the top, I’m panting, but he’s barely broken a sweat.

He notices my look. “I’m used to them,” he says with a laugh. “Come on. It’s just along this corridor. I sent Octavia a message to let her know you’re coming.”

My pulse quickens as we continue down the dim corridor. I’m going to have to get used to this candlelight, or I’ll be bumping into everyone and everything at night. Though judging by how still the castle is, the students all appear to be in their rooms. Maybe we’re not allowed out at night.

With thoughts of fallen vampire families and bloody wars, I pull in a deep breath as Cooper knocks on a door.

“This is where I leave you,” he says. “But you’ll be completely fine. Octavia will make sure you’re comfortable.”

Before anyone even answers the door, he backs away, leaving me the rest of my luggage, and I’m standing alone in the hallway, waiting to meet my first teacher.

Then a deep voice tells me to enter. I place my hand on the door handle and try to calm my racing heart.


Octavia Pax getsto her feet as I enter, smiling. My jaw nearly drops, as it’s clear my attempts to predict what an aura over eighty might look like are way off.

Octavia wears a white, almost-sheer dress that I assume is her nightgown, with an ivory silk robe over the top. After she rises, I see her full height and gulp. Octavia must be even taller than Cooper, standing at least six feet tall with the willowy figure of a supermodel.

Even though she is decades older than I am, her appearance is youthful. She could easily pass for twenty-five. And her skinglows.

Octavia tucks a lock of blond hair behind her ear and strides towards me, smiling. “Kira Belvedere. It’s so good to have you here.”

“It’s Kira Grant, actually,” I say, blushing as I correct her.

“Oh, that’s right. I forget you haven’t lived in our world. You’ve been living with your human father for many years, of course. This must all be a complete surprise to you.”

The way she says “human father” sounds strange to my ears. “Does that mean my mother isn’t human?”

She laughs, more of a titter than a real chuckle. “No, not at all. It just means that you’ve been brought up in the human world as opposed to the…” She trails off, her eyes roaming the room. “Supernatural one. Everyone here at the academy is human but with a few additional qualities. We’re extra. And so are you.”

She pauses. “Come. Take a seat. I won’t keep you long. It’s very late, and the castle is in slumber.”

I pull out the comfy armchair near her desk. “I’m so sorry for waking you.”

“Not at all.” She waves a dismissive hand. “I wanted to personally welcome you to the school. We’re very glad to have you here. You may not be aware of it, but your family has had ties with the academy for many years.”

Those words floor me. After hearing Cooper talk about the legacy of Aura Academy and a war between the circles, it finally hits home that my family may have been a part of that history. And maybe I would have learned about it all if my grandmother hadn’t passed away suddenly when I was seven.

If Mum had embraced her inner witch—or necromancer—I may have been part of this world from the very start.

“I didn’t know that.” I bite my lip, suppressing the emotion threatening to take me over. “I don’t know anything, really.”

“You’re a long way from home, and this is all very hard,” Octavia says. “It’s going to be an adjustment. But I’m here to help you, Kira. I’ll be your mentor, and whenever you need me, just come to see me. Okay?”
