Page 18 of Lethal

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As soon as I look at the sheet of paper in my hand, a sense of dread shudders through me. I’m here at a magical academy, and I’m going to be taking lessons on witchcraft and prophecy and self-defence.

“You’ll be fine,” he says. “I promise.”

“Sure. It’ll be a breeze.” I try to put on a brave face and match his wide smile. Inside, my stomach squirms like there’s a snake in my intestines.

“Go ahead and try on the uniforms,” he says. “They’re not that bad, I promise. And we can meet for lunch if youlike? I’ll introduce you to a few people. I’m guessing Laila didn’t.”


Cooper gives me a gentle smile. “Honestly, Kira. It’s going to be fine. The first day is always the worst.” He pats me on the shoulder and turns to leave.

But as the door closes behind him, the growing sense of dread inside my body spreads down to my toes.


At least Cooperis right about the uniforms. They fit like a glove, and the tartan skirt is as cute on me as I’d hoped. I feel like I’m at an expensive prep school in America, like the ones inGossip GirlorCruel Intentions.

The low-heeled pumps have a springy sole, and I step out of the room with newfound confidence now that I won’t stand out around the castle like a sore thumb. I follow the long, winding hallway at a leisurely pace, taking in classroom numbers and office signs. The sounds of lessons fill the air around me.

Grab your herbs, class. We’re going to purify the room.Chairs shuffle and students laugh.

I can’t imagine cleansing a room at St James’ Prep.

I carry on. Rather than heading up the stairs, I make my way outside, where a warm breeze caresses my skin. At least the weather is good. The island smells like salt and moss, and the view is insane. I walk right down the grounds to the island perimeter and gaze out to sea. It’s so peaceful that the tight sensation in my chest begins to ebb.

Findinga bench next to a patch of rosebushes, I sit there for a moment, letting my thoughts drift wherever they want to go. It’s something I learned to do whenever I feel anxious. To live in those emotions for a moment then let them go.

My worries float out over the sea.

Then I make my way around the grounds. It’s quiet at first, until I hear grunting, which is odd, especially when combined with a rhythmic slapping sound. Intrigued, I pick up the pace, heading towards a patch of lawn closer to the building. There, I find six students pummelling the ever-loving shit out of each other. The slapping sounds are actually punches and kicks, and no one is holding back.

One boy is hit and flies ten feet across the grass.

I stand watching, shocked. When a fireball comes flying towards me, it’s either move or die. A scream of terror surges from my throat as I duck down, flattening myself down against the grass.

“Shit,” I hear someone say.

Footsteps hurry towards me. I dare to glance up.

They must put something in the water here, because the guy reaching down is just as hot as Cooper and Damien and everyone else. “Are you all right?”

Embarrassed, I mutter, “Yes,” and force myself to my feet.

“We ask students not to come on the grounds during defence training,” he explains. “But you must be Kira, so I’m guessing you didn’t know.”

I check my hair for singed ends before nodding.

He smiles. “Nice to meet you, Kira. I’m Apollo, and I teach combat and spells. Roman here is excellent at creating fire but not the best at controlling it.” He gestures to a tall, slender boy with mousy hair.

The boy, Roman, lifts a hand. “My bad.”

“No worries.” My voice sounds shakier than I’d like. “I’ll be going now. I was just familiarising myself with the island.”

Apollo nods. “Maybe stay inside just for now.”

“Got it.”

I can feel eyes on me as I’m walking away, and they don’t feel friendly. Even Roman’s initial grin has been replaced with a harder expression. What a blunder to make on my first day.Stupid Kira, who grew up in the human world, who doesn’t know to stay away from boys playing with fire.
