Page 27 of Lethal

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“What the fuck?” I mumble.

Light spills out from the open door, revealing the strange spike that caught my hand. Then I realise I’m in the centre of some sort of stone engraving. Circular again, like the metalwork on the door, only this time, there are grooves running through the stone. Every one of those grooves is filled with the blood from my cut palm, turning the intricate pattern red.

I stand and back away, taking in the fascinating but disgusting sight. My hand throbs, but I’m too enamoured by the carving on the ground to care.

My blood outlines a red dragon with its toes curled. Sharp talons point up towards its scaled body, while above are two outstretched wings that bend into the circle. Its monstrous head spits out the fire that also curves at the edges to form the perfectly round carving.

The sight of my blood filling in its fangs will haunt mynightmares. The spike that cut my palm glistens in the light, red contrasting against its golden shaft.

But then I look through the open door, which reveals a room beyond. I take a tentative step towards the open door and crane my head through. The room’s air is clean but chilled, smelling of a long-closed crypt, dry and stale. It’s almost completely empty aside from a wooden box.

No, not a box.A coffin.

The coffin is the object of note in the room. It rests on a dais, a silk-draped gothic monstrosity that is black as night. Bloodred sheets of silk spill to the stone floor from a wooden frame, and a set of steps leads up to the final resting place of some poor soul.

Whoever they were, they must have been important.

I shiver. Could it be Vladimir Dracul?

If the horror movies are true, vampires turn to dust. I can’t help but wonder what was left to bury.

Each drop of blood from my injured hand plinks against the stone floor, and the room’s echo parrots it back to me.Plink. Plink. Plink.Even my shaky breath echoes in here.

I’m standing halfway between the door and the coffin, completely frozen. Then I think,My blood opened this door.

Belvedere blood.

I start to back away. There’s no way in hell I should be in here. There’s a reason this room was locked and sealed with magic. Something very dangerous resides in that coffin.

I turn.


The floor trembles again, like an earthquake shuddering through the castle. As I stumble and fall to the ground, I check the door, but it’s still open.

The quake lasts for only a moment, and soon, I’m back on my feet, but there’s a change in the air. Every hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I’m completely positive that someone is watching me.

I look at the coffin and gasp.

It’s open.

I turn back towards the door and break into a sprint, but I’m too slow. Something—the creature from the coffin—is blocking my way. Thin fingers wrap around my throat.

I see a flash of white fangs before they disappear. Then they sink into my neck.


Pain explodes,setting my nerves on fire. My hands grope at the creature holding me still, attempting to find purchase, something to grip. Then my arms flop to my sides from weakness.

When my knees buckle, the creature’s grip tightens.

Holy fuck, this feels good.

It’s better than my first kiss with Paul Davenport. Something is sucking my blood from my neck and making me groan in pleasure.

As the creature continues to feed, tingles travel from my head to my toes in a feeling unlike any other, a mix of pleasure and pain that I want to fight but can’t. Something in me surrenders to the euphoria.

The creature’s teeth sink deeper into my flesh, and I close my eyes, letting out a deep moan.
