Page 31 of Lethal

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I glance at the stain.Who am I kidding? That brown stain is definitely blood.

But before I can even make a decision, Octavia strides back into the hall with the other teachers. Her skin looks ashen, her lips drained of colour. The sight shocks me and quiets every student in the room. It’s plain that Octavia has seen something terrible.

“You can go back to your rooms,” she says. “Keep doors and windows locked. Do not let anyone in, and do not leave your rooms until breakfast.”

Gabrielle’s hand shoots up. “Did you find Jenny?”

It’s relatively easy to guess the answer from Octavia’s expression, but she simply says, “I’ll be answering questions about Jenny as soon as I’m able. Good night, all.”

I fold the fabric of my skirt between my fingers as I slowly make my way back to my room. Laila is up ahead, and I keep my eyes on her so I don’t get lost.

Wow, that was intense. And it doesn’t take a genius to work out that something terrible has happened to Jenny. Octavia must have found her either hurt or dead, and from the way the headmistress dodged questions and looked freakinghaunted, I’m guessing dead. After all, someone killed Dina too.

I hear a loud sniffing sound behind me, and when I turn, I find myself staring at a broad man-chest. Even though it’s cold in the corridors, this boy has his shirt unbuttoned to his navel.

“Why do you smell like blood?” he asks.

I glance back up, alarmed at how he was just casually sniffing me. “I cut my hand.”

He lets out a slight growl that reminds me of Cyrus and makes me shiver.

“You should be more careful,” he grunts.

“You should learn boundaries, dude.” I hurry away down the hallway.

Finally, I slip into the room I share with Laila and let out a sigh of relief. Laila is sitting cross-legged on her bed, her chin resting on one palm.

“Do werewolves sniff a lot?” I ask.


“Thought so.” I slump down on my bed. “You okay?”

“Jenny’s dead, isn’t she?” Laila pauses then adds, “The teachers looked like they’d seen…”

“A ghost?”

“A dead body.” She frowns. “It’s happened again. Someone is targeting us.”

“Were both Dina and Jenny witches? Maybe they’re targeting just the witches.” It’s morbid, but I hope I’m right. As a potential necromancer and an elemental, we might be safe if the murderer only wants witches.

Laila shakes her head. “No, Dina was a werewolf.”

“Oh.” I slip off my shoes and bring my feet up onto the bed, echoing Laila’s lotus position. “It’s weird how both happened in rooms right next to each other.”

Laila throws her hands up. “Fuck it.” She stretches her legs, jumps off the bed, and storms over to the kitchenette. There, she pulls open a cupboard, grabs two glasses, and returns. She shoves one glass in my hand then bends downand opens her nightstand, pulling out a bottle of vodka. “We should pour one out to Jenny.”

I watch her pour. “Hear, hear.” I take a sip and let it burn the back of my throat. “Did you know her well?”

Laila shakes her head. “I don’t really know anyone here well. They all think I’m weird.”

I make a scoffing sound. “In a school full of witches and werewolves,youstand out? Sorry, but I don’t think so.” I take another sip. “Where are you from?”

“Bradford. My family come from the Shah line. I’m not royal or anything. My family learned their magic in Pakistan many generations ago. So I guess I’m not really an important part of the circles.”

“Bullshit,” I say. “You’re more part of the circles than I am. Apparently, my blood is royal, but that means nothing when you can’t do magic.”

She grins. “You can learn.”
