Page 44 of Lethal

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It’s Nathan who answers. “The freaks who idolise the oldvampire ways. They aren’t vampires themselves, but they want vampires back. Some believe that if they become immortal like the vampires were, it will absolve them of human emotion so they can live a more peaceful existence. It’s total crap, though.”

“Either that, or the rumour about a vampire clan in Greenland is true.” Evan laughs.

“Nah,” Cooper says. “There’s no way. Who knows what happened to Jenny? We should just wait until we have more information.”

I notice Cyrus is very quiet, and I wonder if he’s considering everything he’s heard. The whole thing about a vampire clan in Greenland sounds interesting to me, and I’m sure it does to him too.

“What’s this rumour about the vampires in Greenland?” I ask.

“Exactly that.” Nathan bites into a sandwich but keeps talking. “After the war, all the families were accounted for, but there were possibly some nomadic vampires who didn’t fight. Some say they moved to the north pole to keep out of Alaric’s way.” He shrugs and swallows. “There’s no evidence for it.”

“Exactly,” Cooper says.

“But on the other hand, if it’s true, those vampires could be anywhere now. They might have created their own army,” Evan says. “Imagine that. More bloodsuckers out here trying to control the world again.”

Cyrus growls, probably at the word “bloodsuckers.”

Laila scoffs. “The council would feel that kind of power rising.”

I turn to my roommate. “Really? They’re able to do that?”

She nods. “Some empaths are able to expand their powersto the rest of the magical world. Whenever there’s a glut of dark energy, they can feel it.”

“And vampires always have dark energy?” I ask.

No. Absolutely not, Cyrus says.

“Hell yes,” Evan says. “They are bad news. The worst news. Like Defcon Ten or whatever. They’re always lusting for power. That’s how they ended up extinct.”

That isn’t true. This imbecile knows nothing. Vampires existed in peace for centuries until my father broke his promises. Tell him right now, Kira. I won’t stand for such an insult!

By the end, Cyrus is shouting so loudly that I feel like I’m getting a headache.

“Are you okay?” Cooper asks. “You look a little pale.”

I rub my temple. “I’m fine.”

“I know a lot has been going on. I swear being an aura isn’t usually like this.”

“No, there’s usually a lot more demon-hunting going on,” Nathan says. “My brother caught five last week. Something has them whipped up out there, and they’ve been ready to attack ever since.”

I want to ask more about the Reavers, because there’s still so much I don’t know, but my head has begun to pound. I try eating a little food, but it just makes me feel sick.

I’m sorry.Cyrus’s tone is full of regret.I used our connection too much, and you’re suffering for it.

“It’s okay,” I mumble.

Cooper frowns. “What is?”

Laila turns to me and says sharply, “I think you need to go back to bed.”

She’s right. Rest.

“Okay. I am feeling a little sick.”

Evan and Nathan exchange a look, and I can’t help but worry they think I can’t hack it here. Though to be fair, I have the same concerns. I am struggling in every sense of the word.

“I’ll walk you back to the room,” Laila says. “And I’ll let Octavia know you’re ill.”
